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Showing most liked content on 01/13/2020 in all areas

  1. Shade, get off Orange's account.
  2. If I were Shade I'd be angleshooting so hard right now but I'm not because I have *integrity*.
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  3. Don't make me summon Pushwall.
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  4. You should have let us pick our N0 targets.
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  5. To use the Nona, you have to click T to deploy. After deploying use the right click to send the mortar wherever your reticle is aiming. You can send that fucker half a map away honestly, the range is incredible. BDRM is worthless against anything GDI related. To counter the Anti Tank Commanche, just fire an ADATS rocket at it while you're in a group rush. Designate yourself to being Anti Air watch while your team is moving out. Stay in the middle. You can also get a Hover MLRS and if you're lucky enough maneuver underneath the Comanche so it has to readjust and then kill it. Other than that, it's pretty difficult.
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