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  1. Currently seeking members to join our Public Relations Team. Interested persons please read the posting. Our Mission Build the W3D Hub community and grow our member base, while establishing and maintaining close interaction with our fans and contributors. Responsibilities Create content for press releases and developer blogs Disseminate project news through our media networks Develop marketing strategies to broaden our reach Evaluate opportunities for advertising and promotion Monitor, analyze, and communicate PR results to the team Requirements Passion for our work with the W3D engine and its projects Experience with social media Strong relationship with our community Etc etc. Just tell me what you bring to the table and we'll go from there. Accepting applications in my Forum Inbox. [Message me!] Happy to answer any and all questions regarding this. Thank you for your time. [blurb]Currently seeking members to join our Public Relations Team. Interested persons please read the posting.[/blurb]
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  2. Well yes but they were designed with such in mind. If they behaved as an “oh shit there’s a battleship at the base hurry” unit I wouldn’t hate them so much. Right now it’s more “which Neanderthal thinks this is fun right now?” I’d lay it out pretty linearly. 700 - Torpedo Boat: Cheap, fast only useful with torpedos attacking slow capital ships. Long reload time but absolutely chunks if it hits a ship. A torpedo would ideally deal about 400 damage after armor calculations each. Around 500/500 medium armor. 1200 - Destroyer: Fast and agile, and loaded with MGs and a small cannon for ripping apart aircraft and torpedo boats but terrible at dealing with tanks, defenses, or buildings. 800/800 heavy armor. 3000 - Missile Boat/Frigate: Powerful offensive laden ship with accurate weapons good at dealing with tanks and buildings and capable of dealing with other ships, but relatively fragile favoring speed and firepower over armor. 1100/1100 heavy armor. 6000 - Cruiser: An all rounder not great at anything but not bad at anything either. Slightly less damage than the Missile Boat/Frigate tier ship but able to deal it longer due to better durability. 2400/2400 heavy armor 8000 - Battleship: Although only marginally better armored than a Cruiser it sports significantly heavier guns. Though very inaccurate it would have huge range and be perfect for taking out a base if it can get in range, but absolutely requiring escorts to defend it against air and smaller sea attack. Would remove most of its secondary and tertiary batteries, only keeping the main guns and a couple AI machine guns. 3600/3600 heavy armor. Would feature a big buff to it’s per shot damage but a reduction in total screenshake due to it firing fewer shots so fighting one isn’t a seizure hazard. Also this would come with toning down ship models a little bit. I understand that might look weird and battleships are already half size, but their physics are beyond broken right now and already clutter the relatively small oceans they feature in.
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  3. You can also harass harvs on Winter Assault pretty easily with amphibious units or flying units. I will ask kaskins to look into the torpedo boats as they are a bit underpowered.
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