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Showing most liked content on 04/03/2020 in all areas

  1. I second what the others here said: no good can come out of a premature release. Even if we had the capacity to do some kind of "Early Access" approach, an actual business with more people and more experience than us can mess that up. We have to good on the first impression. That being said, if you think more of a PR push would be a good idea (i.e making sure people don't think these projects are "dead"), then feel free to make suggestions. Ah, Miyamoto. Why didn't we listen to you?
  2. Made this to practise video editing and effects 🤘
  3. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/582494871?t=01h01m27s 1 hour 1 minute 27 seconds. Check it out.
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  4. It's a command. It's called !char Whenever I'm low on HP or about to die, I quickly type !char It's available at Vet Rank 4, if I recall correctly. It will give you a random character, including spies.
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  5. Hey y'all! I'm one of the many people who check whether AR has been released now and then, and I believe most of us will agree that we have gotten used to always hearing "it's done when it's done, we'll release it then". At this point, my only guess is that the developers have internalized that sentence, and have never given a second thought throughout the years on when to release it. I noticed that in recent years, the forum's popularity has unfortunately decreased. Maybe it is time for the team to consider releasing the game? As I understand it, the reasoning behind this policy is that a bad release would leave a sour taste in people's mouths. On the contrary, I believe the long wait has caused much more people to dismiss the project over the years. So I do not think this reasoning is valid. As another point for a release happening, I have no doubt that the developers hearing fans enjoying the game would improve their motivation for the project, and make developing more fun! Just to be clear -- I'm not saying the developers are unmotivated, but that it would their motivation would benefit. Don't think I'm breaking forum rules by saying this -- I was a tester for a while a few years ago, and the game was very fun. I can only imagine it's getting better now! Of course, nothing against the developers and testers -- I heavily appreciate their work. I do not mean unwell on anyone. I would love to hear what the AR team thinks.
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  6. I'll give my two cents here, but I'll leave the bulk of answering to the project heads. First off, I want to thank you for approaching this with the level of respect and friendliness that you did. I'm more than happy to have a discussion about this with you. Simply put, while it can feel like the game has been stagnant as far as developing goes, this isn't quite true. AR has gone through quite a number of changes just in the time that W3D Hub has existed, much less the length of time that I've been with the team, or even the full life of the project. These aren't small changes either; the unit roster has been tweaked several times, and there's been quite a few mechanics implemented, toyed with, and proposed throughout the years. There's also the unspoken fact that APB Delta was quite a game changer. No longer does it feel right to release a game that is more-or-less a reskinned version of Renegade. It has to know what it is, show a lot of polish, and truly feel like a legitimate game in it's own right. We really want these games to knock your socks off when they come out- and trust me, they will.
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