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Showing most liked content on 05/19/2020 in all areas

  1. I should add that moonsense715, Apocalypse Rising Co-Producer, has vastly improved on bot AI and introduced them into APB for use during low player count games. The idea was to allow lone players to join up and experience a "populated" server while they hang out, and as human players join in they substitute in for the bots until the playercount gets high enough. TSR 2 will be getting this feature as well, so players can enjoy some light action before the players start piling into the server.
  2. Someone needs to find that guy that ddosed RC for a week and pay him to do it for a month or so. Tbh Jokes aside(or was I?), a small update would probably bring more players to the fold. Maybe even give GDI and Nod some new toys in IA. Or maybe some new maps, RC got a bunch of new maps including SiegeDB(dblaney?) to bring players and they had over 20 for a couple of days now.
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