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Showing most liked content on 09/25/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! We usually keep news and information on what EA is doing on the light side of things here, but Jim Vessella and the team have just released something that does directly relate to what we do here at W3D Hub. In an news post on Reddit, Jim outlined the intention to update and clarify EA's position on the C&C modding community by creating some new modding guidelines in coordination with EA's Legal team. The way that many communities mod Command & Conquer greatly exceeds the scope of how they were being modded when they were released (including us at W3D Hub and how we mod Renegade), so some assurances from EA have been met with appreciation from our side. So what do these guidelines do? Essentially they are designed to protect EA's C&C franchise from people who seek to do harm to C&C through modding and commercial abuse of modding. For the modding community itself, these guidelines serve to strengthen it's legitimacy in EA's and the wider world's eyes as well as provide clarity in what is and isn't allowed. But where does this leave communities like W3D Hub, OpenRA and Renegade X who essentially use content and intellectual property from existing C&C titles to create whole new standalone games? In this new document, EA classify our projects as "extensions of the C&C video games", which covers and protects our operations at W3D Hub. This is fantastic news for us, as it allows us to push our projects forwards without the uncertain fear that we would get shut down at some point by a cease and desist order. Jim and the team at EA didn't need to do this, but they have gone above and beyond to create these guidelines with the community's interests at it's core. These guidelines strengthen EA's relationship with the community and in it's essence, EA has ensured that Renegade's unique position is honoured and we can continue to make games for many years to come! For the full post from Jim, head here. Also, here's the full document from EA as well, for your viewing pleasure: This is a great day for the C&C modding community as a whole and a great thing to announce in coordination with C&C's 25th anniversary! We hope to making mods here for many years to come and hope you'll all continue to join us on our modding journey. Thankyou for your continued support! - OWA[blurb]In an news post on Reddit, Jim outlined the intention to update and clarify EA's position on the C&C modding community by creating some new modding guidelines in coordination with EA's Legal team. Read more about this important development here![/blurb][thumb]custom_thumb_ea.png[/thumb]
  2. This is some amazing news! Didn't think we'd ever get to this but man did this make my day.
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