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Showing most liked content on 01/12/2021 in all areas

  1. THE GAMEWelcome back to another Tiberian Sun: Reborn forum mafia game! After the first TSR Mafia was a success, I'm keen on making this a trend. I've tweaked the setup based on feedback, mostly expanding the roster. As such, the new role sheet is significantly larger. The most obvious addition is unit types, "Infantry" and "Vehicle." Infantry are the basic unit type, vulnerable to every type of weapon. Vehicles are bulletproof during the day, with the exception of certain units with the "Vehicle Destroyer" ability. As always, the role sheet is not meant to be a 100% accurate reference. Not all of these roles will appear in the game, and there may be some roles that do not appear on the role sheet. Anything is possible, especially more so now that certain roles (Chameleon Spy, as an example) are not 100% guaranteed to appear. Once again, this will revolve around a Global Defense Initiative base being infiltrated by the Brotherhood of Nod. Depending on player count, there is the possibility of Neutral or Third Party roles appearing, with their own victory requirements. Be aware that Early Hammer still exists, so use your vote wisely! Sign-ups will close Friday, January 29th. The game will start Monday, February 1st. SIGN UPS- 8 min @Jeod @Retaliation @ChopBam @Anon_Kat @OrangeP47 @Louis @Category 5 Hurricane @Shade939 @Mojoman @FRAYDO BOOKMARKSDAY 1 NIGHT 1 DAY 2 NIGHT 2
  2. rip Dominion I think hes perm banned on all 3 main servers lol
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