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Showing most liked content on 09/22/2021 in all areas

  1. View File APB 3.6 - Visible Level Caution Boundary Variations Included here are variations for the map boundary texture. To install the appropriate textures of your choosing, copy the red and green boundary DDS files from the folder of its description into your game's data directory. For example, if you want to make the red boundary invisible but the green one visible at 2 its normal viewing distance, copy caution_boundary_red.dds from the "Invisible" folder and caution_boundary_green.dds from the "2x Visibility Distance" folder. Included variations: 2x Visibility Distance 50% Opacity 25% Opacity Invisible The PSD source file is included if you wish to make your own. Keep in mind the image has mip maps included in the main canvas, so when you export to dds, generate DXT-5 and use existing mip maps!! Submitter ChopBam Submitted 09/19/2021 Category Custom Textures  
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  2. Jerad literally just said that it wouldn't be released for another 6 hours. (around 5 now)
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