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  1. !Cmds are something that encourages players to attack or defend and actually play the game. While I can see why you think they "Break TF out of this game" it's something that is seen from your prespective. They way I see it is commands encourage offensive gameplay and speed up the game while also rewarding people who attack as a result or defend. By not using !wep, !support or !char to disarm mines I don't exactly understand how i'm supposed to go up against a building when it has 8 mines, 1 Techie bot, 1 Base Crew and the chance that someone who dies will spawn there any moment. And no, I'm not going to get everyone to spam tanks every single game like APB to win a game because that's the only realistic strategy to take down a base. The problem I have with people saying that it's "Abuse" is how they typically turn a blind eye to other things. If someone isn't allowed to use !char during battle when are they allowed to use it? Does that mean you can't use !wep during battle as well because that would be abuse? Someone using !support alerts the whole base where they're at, so why is it abuse when it tells everyone the location. I think I can best wrap it up by saying this and what I believe. If everyone has the ability to do the same thing (Everyone can use the different !cmds) then it's not abuse or having something broken. Instead you need to use it the same way, get more creative with how you use it or get left behind.
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