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Showing most liked content on 05/28/2022 in all areas

  1. Good Afternoon, This year 2022 has started out with the effects still felt from 2021 and 2020 respectively. However in the previous 5 month time frame we've also felt the ramifications of a European War that's still raging to this day by both sides, a near crash of the stock market with the total collapse of a stablecoin (Luna) that some people have unironically invested their life savings in and inflation that’s currently in limbo on when it’ll be fixed... creating financial stress (if not difficulty) on most. Behind all of this a recent shooting occurred in the state of New York where upon the person live streamed people falling to the ground from being shot point blank with a rifle. Despite any opinion on any of these topics there is something that remains which is the ability to seek and get help when needed. This brings me to the point of my topic today which is May is Mental Health Awareness month. However, I am asking everyone reading not just to not ignore the importance of this topic but also not ignore yourselves. If you’re in financial, mental or any type of distress to the point of harming yourself or others then please call the numbers listed below. I don’t know any other way to say this other than it’s not worth it. Life is worth living and you do matter. People do care about you. If you’re unable to call or unwilling then I am willing to listen and help anyone to the best of my ability if they need someone to talk to. Just PM me on discord or on W3DHub.com. Having a chat with someone here has helped me more times than I can count in my life and I know it can for you as well. It really can be that small difference. If you need help, get help. While we again, reflect on this month and what it means along with all the events of the past. I ask that if you see a friend that’s down to reach out to them. If you’re down and considering something irreversible then please reach out. We can do this. Thank you. ================================================================================================== https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines (Worldwide) Suicide Hotline (Spanish + English) = 800-273-8255 The Samaritans Crisis Hotline = (212) 673 - 3000 The Trans Lifeline can be reached at 1 - 877 - 565 - 8860 (UK) Text SHOUT to 85258 (Free 24/7 Text based UK service)
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  2. You know, i never thought we'd be back here, at a mod complaint table for one of the same mods for Interim Apex. I want to mention the list of names here but i wont because that would be a bit rude of me, instead i am going to make one simple recommendation and a solution Rec: give all of the mods a mod application prune all of the mods that fail the application and keep the ones who complete it Solution: This would solve the problem because A most of the mods were chosen either by IA's move over to w3dhub or B they were there from the start. Conclusion: So i thought this mod abuse thing was over, and yet here we are again, at the same place we were last time, when someone got banned and kicked for the most ridiculous of reasons, most of which were emotional reasons. emotion is what you should leave out when making a decision when being a mod. I'v had experience being one before and am one of a server rn. Sometimes i did not like the decisions i had to make but it was what I had to do, regardless if the person was saying things about me or judging me for my decisions that were apart of the rules not against them. the whole point of being a moderator is to see to it that the rules are applied to everyone and to enforce it, not to put your emotional beliefs and ideals into something that isnt yours and yet it is something so simple which is to uphold the rules. You aren't an admin you cant change and bend the rules you are a moderator, you keep the rules and enforce them simple as. Don't you use your power as a means to be higher than another, (that used to be a problem in IA thank GOD it isn't now), but this is still mod abuse and I ask you IA staff, to please look into your mod team, because this is a bit unacceptable, it was unacceptable then and it is unacceptable now. as much as there is evidence to support this complaint, Lynx has done nothing wrong so far, and if there still isn't, Please look into your moderation team, I can't help but remember exactly how many times i have been mod abused on IA in t he past because either someone was mad at me, or they were offended at a simple join message I had and they wouldn't let me change it at all even when i was warned in that same exact time frame to change it or be banned, i was still banned even when I changed it in chat, but this is beside the point, just look into the moderation team not for my sake but the player Bases sake. That is all
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  3. @ WNxHeadShot Thank you for reporting. It's been handled by me via PM in discord. This will not be happening again.
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