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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Okay, time for a nearly full role claim and to talk about what my Jeod level gambit today was. I am indeed SCP-106, I fully expected to be scum or 3rd party with the role I picked. Instead, I'm town! I have also been completely honest about my abilities. The only way to kill me is through a lynch, and I will be able to pick somebody who voted for me as the sacrifice. My other main ability is that I am completely immune to all other forms of damage. This is through both my insane durability/regeneration and my ability to go to my pocket dimension (that only I have access to) whenever I want. So yeah, nothing can kill me except a lynch. I do have another ability, but it's relatively minor and involves making myself vulnerable. So I don't plan on using it anytime soon and I don't plan on revealing what exactly it is so that scum stay in the dark. This all sounds pretty OP, and it would be if I didn't have several negative drawbacks. One of them is that because of my origins and eldritch appearance any investigation is going to turn up as a blank on me. There are a few other drawbacks, but I'm not going to reveal them since they could be used to take advantage of my blind spots and harm town overall. With the role claim out of the way, here's why I've been acting the way I have. Due to my near invulnerability I can act however I want, and if I were to be lynched my other ability would kick in and I'd be able to target a player I think is scum. On top of that, I wanted to create some discussion and bait out some reactions. First of all, a third party is a great scum target for a lynch. At best, a third party is a frenemy to scum and at worst they're just going to get scum killed. Taking out a third party removes a threat and gives scum brownie points with town. It's the second best thing to bussing your scummate. Second, if there's any vengeful role scum aren't going to touch it with a ten foot pole. Why risk your neck when you know a player could possibly kill you if you have a vote on them? Let town take the fall, it's a win-win for you. So, I first wanted to see who would latch onto attacking me as a third party. Obviously some town would target me since that'd be the right thing to do. The next part was to reveal my vengeful ability. Unless scum is feeling particularly crazy (and even I have done this sometimes) they're going to find some way to get their vote off and out of harms way. This leads to who I suspect as scum and I will be working on this post while you all read this wall of text.
  2. If I'm a third party with the non-standard objectives I've hinted at there wouldn't really be a "wrong target". Especially if I'm setting myself up to be lynched. Too bad you cast a vote on me today...
  3. I was just doing it for flavor, to leave a clue as to who I was, and to annoy people.
  4. Afaik, this kind of ability can't be blocked. What do you mean by "wrong person"?
  5. That made me think of something. Might have a great gift for town once I'm able to post more.
  6. I'll think about whether I want to discuss it. Can't do so now anyways, limited to mobile.
  7. I think I'm starting to figure out some of the alignments...
  8. Wouldn't that be exactly what a jester wants you to think?
  9. I'm fairly confident in my ability to survive each day. The potential for me to help either side is great, and the only way to get me is through a sacrificial lynch. But maybe that's what I want...
  10. Unless there's something I'm unaware of, either side can win without killing me. But I already have my plan in place.
  11. I have several abilities to help me reach my goals.
  12. Excellent work detective Shade! I chose. My Bonnie lies over the ocean...
  13. That's the only way to take me out. But someone will join me... My Bonnie lies over the sea...
  14. I never died, and never will. Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.
  15. I'll definitely better less obtuse when I want to, but it is D1. If someone does manage to take me out, I'm taking them with me... I'm not involved with anything maritime. More into trench warfare. My Bonnie lies over the ocean...
  16. There's at least a 1 in 3 chance of that. My Bonnie lies over the sea...
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