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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. @Category 5 Hurricane I haven't really voiced opposition to the plans since it would just be redundant. Other players have opposed these plans for either the same or similar reasons that I would. @FRAYDO Your actions have stood out to me as pretty scummy (something like 60% likely you're scum). Nobody else so far seems as scummy to me as you do. As for who I find suspicious, I'm kind of suspicious of Mojo, his post content feels slightly off compared to how he normally posts and he's not posting as much as he usually does. So, slight scum read on him. Cat5's memeing is a newish trend, but it's not inherently scummy. Just a little wary of him right now. His plan has some pros and cons, but I thought the cons outweighed it. Especially if the mafia did get lucky and janitored the cop. Also I'm also watching Inferno. Would like to see more content out of him, but I don't know his meta so it's mostly a neutral read for now. Also, looks like Mojo was suggesting I could be the miller. As far as I know, I'm not. Some mods have the miller as a hidden role, others don't. So if it's not a hidden role I'm definitely not the miller.
  2. ##boat Killing_You ##vote FRAYDO I've given my reasons for FRAYDO being my prime suspect; but nobody seems to be talking about anything, let's get some discussion going.
  3. Come on guys, more than halfway through D2 and we don't even have one post per hour.
  4. On D1 after Irish proposed his roleclaim plan, Nodlied (and several others) were quickly opposed to this plan. There isn't anything factually wrong with what Nodlied said. Personally, I don't really see anything scummy. But FRAYDO saw something. He didn't even say what he saw, just that he thought Nodlied was the top suspect at that time after one post. After I put pressure on FRAYDO, he did admit that it wasn't the "strongest argument" and provided something of an explanation for his suspicion. Still, his explanation is pretty weak. If somebody claims to be town and proposes a bad town gambit then other town ought to speak out against it. Yes, scum could do the same thing, but that doesn't prove anybody is scum or even cast any suspicion on them. Normally, I don't think much of "X is my top suspect", but to say that so early, non-jokingly, for something so innocuous strikes me as scummy. I see FRAYDO making multiple leaps of logic without more than a token "explanation". To me, he's even more suspicious today. Anybody else have some thoughts? There's been very little discussion so far for today.
  5. So I'm mafia for not wanting a no-lynch? Or am I missing something here.
  6. Huh, didn't expect a janitor so early. Also didn't get a power role read off of Orange.
  7. Got to leave, so I'm switching. ##vote Mojoman
  8. Okay, I can see him as acting scummy. I'd still prefer FRAYDO but I'm not opposed to Mojo. I'll change my vote right before I leave if nobody else wants to go for FRAYDO.
  9. I've been pretty busy past two days, didn't think we'd start until today. Don't have time to verify that about Mojo, if anybody else can back you up on that I'll change my vote.
  10. In a few minutes I'm going to be gone until after hammer. If anybody wants my vote changed they need to convince me now.
  11. Okay, so we have a reason to lynch. But what's the reason for who we're lynching? Let's not just start a train.
  12. I haven't been following Mojoman enough to see him as more suspicious. Could you explain your reasoning more? I don't want a no lynch, but I'm not just going to jump onto a random train.
  13. Barring a lucky cop, a D2 lynch following a D1 no lynch is pretty much the same thing.
  14. What's your reason for voting no lynch over a suspicious player?
  15. Either way, it's not like we're just picking a random player. FRAYDO has some weak logic and it looked like he was trying to start a lynch train on Nodlied. It's not proof he's scum, but it's scummy behavior.
  16. We could look at voting patterns on D1 and theorize that IF player Y was town then player X could be scum because of Z. But that's just a hypothesis. If we don't know player Y's alignment then the case is weaker. A lot more will get done during D2 with a D1 lynch.
  17. So does mafia, they have a janitor and lawyer this game. Besides, I was referring to what non-powerroles would know. Unless I'm the cop I can't know anything for certain besides who we find dead tomorrow. Due to the nature of the game, conjecture is unavoidable and is needed to build cases. But a case that isn't 100% conjecture is better to have.
  18. A no lynch provides opinions, not facts. And any facts the general player base gets from the night is strictly controlled by the mafia with their night kill target. When I'm mafia I prefer no lynch for the control it gives you.
  19. Was looking at an apartment and it took far longer than it should have, didn't have time to write up a full post over lunch. I'm pretty solidly against D1 no lynch and think we're better off without it. I'm so opposed I'd even volunteer as the lynch candidate so that we can actually learn some facts. Without enough time to get into it, I think FRAYDO is the top suspect and would appreciate it if others could go look into his previous posts. He had some scummy logical leaps about Nodlied and it seemed like an attempt to start a bus against him.
  20. Okay, so you think that opposition to Irish's plan makes somebody likely to be town. But you think Nodlied (who showed extreme disapproval of the plan) is the top suspect? ##vote FRAYDO
  21. I would never say the word "couldn't" when it comes to whether or not scum did something. There's likely and less likely, but nothing is impossible. The belief that scum couldn't possibly do something is a factor in scum gambits.
  22. I'm going to have to look at it in more detail later. On the surface, I think it benefits scum.
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