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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. I wouldn't say purposely being inactive is "bad", it can just be a bit unfair. If most of town is inactive along with scum then town is pretty much left to pick at random. In a game of deduction that can be frustrating for town players. Also, it's normally not that bad when you have a counter. It's just worse when that counter is killed N1.
  2. None that I'm aware of. I had a game I was thinking of running, but I'm not going to have time to admin for 2-3 months.
  3. I hope you guys are right about Shade. Cat5 won't be back and I don't think I'd be able to convince him of a Mojo vote either. ##vote Shade939
  4. Now somebody is starting to speak some sense... @Nodlied It's LYLO, and if you're wrong (which you are), we lose.
  5. As I've stated before, I don't think Mojo and Shade are both scum due to their interactions. Additionally, I think Mojo is more likely to be scum than Shade (for reasons I've listed earlier). So, since I don't think Mojo and Shade are both scum and I think Mojo is more likely to be scum I'm not entirely comfortable with a Shade vote during LYLO.
  6. Well, I could see Mojo being scum due to his D1 and D2 behavior. On D1 he was supporting Irish and hasn't really done anything against him. Inferno has also supported Irish by claiming that he's town. I could see a Mojo, Irish, Inferno scum team. I think Shade is suspicious but I don't know if I'm comfortable voting him just yet.
  7. I'm not sure if I would. My gut feeling is that either Mojo or Shade is mafia, not both, and I'm leaning towards Mojo as the scummier player.
  8. Mojoman: As I've said before, something really feels off about him. He was trying to guess who the miller was on D1 and D2 which is pretty weird. On top of that, he's been one of the more active players but his posts either lack content or parrot what others say. In other words, he seems to be trying to just skate by and appear to be active. That's not something that town ought to be doing. TheIrishman: The biggest thing for me is his proposed D1 gambit. If it came right out of the blue it'd be a lot worse, but he at least mentioned something about a gambit before role PMs went out. Still, could have been a weird gambit where he was hoping he'd get to be scum. Like Mojo, he hasn't contributed too much to the game but at least he's contributed more and has something of an excuse. At best I've got a null read on him, at worst I'm leaning scum because he hasn't really been that helpful. Shade939: I'm a little wary of Shade. He's doing decently well this game, but just about the only thing he's started was a vote against Mojo on D1. Up until just now he hasn't really contributed much. Inferno: I think some of his behavior is scummy, namely claiming that FRAYDO was obviously town while he had supported him as scum before the flip. But, the only way he could possibly be scum is if Orange had been the cop. That would require scum to get super lucky and I feel like they would have claimed cop yesterday to try and end the game earlier. Besides that, I don't see him as being anywhere close to being scummy enough to warrant a lynch at LYLO. I think he should be off the table for today. Nodlied: He typically doesn't post much whether he's scum or town. Despite his chaotic schedule he's still putting in the effort to scum hunt and I can't think of anything scummy he's done. I've got no reasons to think he's scum and plenty of reasons to think he's town. Category 5 Hurricane: I still think some of what he's said/done is pretty scummy, but you can't argue with facts. There is only one way that he couldn't be oracle and it would involve Orange not using his action on N1. That is such a stretch of the imagination it's pretty much impossible. 99.9999999999999999999999% confirmed town. iLikeToSnipe: The only player confirmed as town to me by the mods. Conclusion: I don't do well when players are mostly inactive and there's been a lot of inactivity this game. So, I really don't have a strong read on anybody except Mojo and Inferno. My only hangup with Inferno is that he's claimed cop and the only way he couldn't be cop is if the cop is alive and dumb or Orange was the cop. Irish, Shade, and Inferno are pretty much tied for me, but I've got a strong feeling about Mojo being scum. He hasn't actually done anything and he was super eager to jump onto Inferno's vote against me today. Also, it could have just been a scum gambit, but with the interactions between Mojo and Shade I don't think it's likely that they're both scum.
  9. Will provide explanation when I can. Tentatively it's: Mojo Irish Shade Inferno Nodlied Cat5
  10. What I'm wondering is why you think FRAYDO was obvious town. Unlike Cat5 or Nodlied who claimed they didn't see anything scummy with FRAYDO on D1 or D2 you claimed that you thought he was scummy on D1. Plus, you never really did anything to defend him. So, what is your reasoning?
  11. How about you cut the crap? If you're town what harm is there in you giving us more information about yourself? I am working on a detailed report but there's a lot to go through so it's not ready yet.
  12. Just had a thought, we're probably going to want to pick somebody to lynch within 12 - 16 hours. At LYLO we need all hands on deck to keep it from potentially being a 3v3 tie with scum on who to lynch.
  13. Could you explain why you personally thought FRAYDO was obvious town? Looking at one of your only D2 posts, you did admit that you saw FRAYDO as scummy on D1 and then you thought he was town for contributing (something I've been doing a lot). Why the double standard? It's not scummy to see me as scum, but it's scummy to pick and choose when you use certain logic.
  14. I think I see what you're getting at Cat5... Kind of convenient for Inferno's reports.
  15. Saying I don't like your buddying up to me is going after you?
  16. In a hurry? Not all of us are on the same continent.
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