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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Whatever happened to Westy and Allie?
  2. I guess the problem with "basic" roles is that everybody might have their own definition. Years ago, we only had what you could consider basic games and vote stealing/blocking wasn't uncommon (neither was silencing). Originally, I had it setup with a cop, doctor with unlimited uses, town tracker, and town unstoppable kill. I figured that having unlimited cop and doctor together was unbalanced so I turned the doctor into a bodyguard with one use of a medkit so that they could protect cop for at least one night if the cop role claimed. I then reduced the town tracker to limited uses since with unlimited it would just be a matter of time before they found a mafia power role and I wanted them to put some thought into using the charges. I then threw in a vote steal and a dayvig/unstoppable to try to further balance it.
  3. After another day of debating you decide you'll need to lynch somebody today. TheIrishman isn't really seeming that persuasive... but Category 5 Hurricane is even more persuasive than usual. With a 50/50 split on who to lynch, you decide to roll some dice. Evens it's TheIrishman, odds it's Category 5 Hurricane who gets lynched. After rolling a d20, the result is an 18. TheIrishman is lynched! You search through his belongings and find an empty medical bag. Dashawn "Irishman" Palone, the Mafia Protector is dead! Well that certainly was surprising... what's also a surprise is the knife now sticking out of Shade's back. Category 5 Hurricane has stabbed Shade in the back! A brutal 1v1 fight between Sunflower and the Town traitor ensues. Despite a heroic struggle, Sunflower is overwhelmed and stabbed to death by Category 5 Hurricane. As the last man standing... Category 5 Hurricane secures Town a victory! Town Wins! What just happened?Last night, Category 5 Hurricane stole TheIrishman's vote (it was a silent action). So, there were two votes on TheIrishman from Category 5's vote and two on Category 5; one from Sunflower and one from Shade. Since there was a tie, I rolled a d20 to see who would be lynched. With TheIrishman out of the way, there was no way to possibly stop the town night kill on the next night. With a successful night kill, Category 5 Hurricane would have fulfilled his objective of equaling or exceeding mafia player count. Town Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/114yKDoxAU2lMKfcpM2gV9jgbn1R63e-bYfjhUaKBTAI/edit?usp=sharing Dead Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iJwnNcWzOp3AlG4yiWzbuW2xBYHwInap5lk_yIgxwRk/edit?usp=sharing Role Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jA9ONcjKhHe-XHgvXnRFFXtuNizuXTSjsyMBvd5K_mo/edit?usp=sharing Thanks for playing everybody! That was an extremely close game and I hope you all had fun. Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions on how the game was run. I know I got hit with two illnesses plus unexpected work on a weekend. Next time I host, I'll make sure to get a co-mod setup beforehand just in case.
  4. Hammer time! This will be an end of game post, so it'll take a few minutes extra to setup.
  5. Vote Count: TheIrishman (2 votes): Shade939 Cateogry 5 Hurricane Category 5 Hurricane (2 votes): TheIrishman Sunflower Day ends in one hour. Votes are currently tied.
  6. Day 5You all wake up fresh and renewed from last night. Also, looks like everybody showed up for once! Day 5 ends in 48 hours at 6:30 PM EST 05/09. Players Left: TheIrishman Category 5 Hurricane Shade939 Sunflower
  7. No-Lynch (4 votes): Category 5 Hurricane TheIrishman Sunflower Shade939 After a productive day of discussion, you unanimously decide that it'd be best to wait for more discussion and not take somebody out today. Nobody will be lynched! Night phase ends in 24 hours at 6:30 PM EST 05/07. Each player is limited to two night posts. Get your actions in!
  8. Vote Count: TheIrishman (1 vote): Shade939 NoLynch (1 vote): Category 5 Hurricane Hammer is in approximately 20 hours and 15 minutes at 6:30 PM EST 05/06.
  9. There is no early hammer from getting a majority vote.
  10. Day 4The start of a fresh new day... what opportunities will await you today? Well, it looks like you're waiting on Jeod. And waiting... You decide to check up on him in his quarters and find him dead in bed! Somebody broke in and snapped his neck in his sleep! Finn "Jeod" Stasio, is dead! He was your average, loyal Mafia member. Day 4 ends in 48 hours at 6:30 PM EST 05/06. Players Left: TheIrishman Category 5 Hurricane Shade939 Sunflower MOD NOTE: In regards to Shade, I did make a slipup. On one of my balance passes during setup, I noticed an issue and added at least one role with more than one ability to use; Orange was one of them. There may or may not be similar roles, but there are still only classic mafia abilities in the game. It's my fault that I forgot to go and remove that from the original post.
  11. Not a problem. I'd normally do a lot more, but I've had a fever for a bit over five days. And it seems to finally be gone this morning.
  12. Vote Count: OrangeP47 (4 votes): TheIrishman Sunflower Shade939 Category 5 Hurricane nolynch (1 vote): OrangeP47 After a long day of debate, you decide that it's time for OrangeP47 to face justice. You all grab the nearest baseball bat and bludgeon him to death! After the deed is done, you go through his personal belongings. You find a various assortment of weapons and a diary detailing how he had killed the Don! Sviturno "Orange" Saya, the Town Vigilante is dead! Night 3 ends in 24 hours at 6:30 PM EST 05/04. You're limited to two night posts during this phase.
  13. Vote Count: OrangeP47 (2 votes): TheIrishman Sunflower Jeod (1 vote): Shade939 nolynch (1 vote): OrangeP47 Approximately 15 minutes till hammer.
  14. Vote Count: OrangeP47 (3 votes): TheIrishman Shade939 Sunflower nolynch (1 vote): OrangeP47 Approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes to hammer.
  15. OrangeP47 whips out a tommy gun from underneath his coat and hoses Mojoman with lead. After investigating what's left of Mojoman and his belongings, you discover that he was Derick "Mojoman" Masiello, just another thug in the Mafia with nothing special about him. Players Left: Jeod TheIrishman Category 5 Hurricane OrangeP47 Shade939 Sunflower
  16. Currently at work, will resolve in about 2.5 hours.
  17. Here you go. Jeod TheIrishman Category 5 Hurricane OrangeP47 Mojoman Shade939 Sunflower
  18. Day 3 As you assemble for the day you realize that somebody else is missing... FRAYDO is gone! You rush to his room to find the door in splinters and his body strangled on the floor. Harry "Fraydo" Canby, a typical footsoldier of the Mafia has been killed! Day 3 will end in 48 hours at 6:30 PM EST 05/03. For posting an extra night post, Jeod has had his vote stripped from him for Day 3 as well as no night posts during the following night phase.
  19. That's my mistake if I've miscommunicated. Been fighting a high fever all day so it's been hard to keep track of things...
  20. Alright, Hammer Time! My apologies for not resolving hammer on time, I've been sick in bed all day and had fallen asleep... If anybody is willing to step up as a co-mod for the next two days, please let me know. Due to hammer being at 6:30 PM, I will not be counting Sunflower's unvote. Vote Count: Jeod (1 vote): Mojoman Mojoman (2 votes): Jeod OrangeP47 Nodlied (3 votes): Sunflower Category 5 Hurricane Shade939 You decide to lynch Nodlied! You quickly surround him, hold him down, and beat him senseless. After cleaning up the mess you look through his belongings and discover that he was... Guiberto "Nodlied" Ware, he was just your typical, loyal Mafia member! Well, better luck next time. Night 2 ends in 24 hours at 7 PM EST 04/31. Please get your night actions in! Only two night posts per player.
  21. Sorry for not doing more vote counts; caught strep and I've been lying in bed most of the past 24 hours... Mojoman and Nodlied are tied at 2 votes! Hammer will be in 1.5 hours at 6:30 PM EST. Vote Count: Jeod (1 vote): Mojoman Mojoman (2 votes): Jeod OrangeP47 OrangeP47 (1 vote): Shade939 Nodlied (2 votes): Sunflower Category 5 Hurricane
  22. Vote Count: Jeod (1 vote): Mojoman Mojoman (1 vote): Jeod OrangeP47 (1 vote): Shade939
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