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Everything posted by iLikeToSnipe

  1. Doom is intrigued by this proposition... I would suggest you save this ability until we know more about what we are dealing with.
  2. Yeah, was just looking for interest/feedback in the concept. From the looks of it, I don't think I'd have time to run this until sometime later in April/May.
  3. Would anybody be interested in a CYOR game that I'd be running? The idea would be that you select at least 5 adjectives, I pick one randomly, and then I create a role based off of that. For example, it'd be something like PlayerGeneric the Invincible. He might be bullet proof, or maybe he has some lynch proof ability. I would also be using an interesting theme twist...
  4. ##vote Orange sounds like we're doing me and Orange. I'll trust you guys to figure it out. I don't have time to analyze.
  5. I'm going to be gone again in a few minutes tell me if any of this is wrong. Orange claimed he bluffed about his ability in order to test willingness to be lynched. Orange had to target me specifically instead of activating a general ability (i.e not actually automatically sparing town).
  6. I'm skimming very quickly, so I might be missing something. You stated that you role will spare #1 pick if they're town and move on to #2. Is this what it does or not? I only see that you targeted me in an action...
  7. I've got about 6 minutes to read through things. What is happening? I thought we had a surefire plan? Is Orange not telling the truth?
  8. I'm not going to be back until later tonight. I should be more active tomorrow.
  9. Didn't realize that there were still votes on KY... ##VOTE Shade
  10. As long as I'm 1st target I don't mind. At this point I'm pretty sure Orange is town and I trust his ability. I'm not willing to be 2nd and risk Shade being 3rd party. Speaking of that, we should probably get more votes on Shade just to be safe. He could switch his vote at the last second if we have any errant votes and doom somebody else. ##Vote iLikeToSnipe I should have picked the Marker as my role...
  11. If we're going to be testing Shade I think he should be target #2. Based on Orange's wording, it sounds like he saves not-scum, not not-town. I'm convinced that Shade isn't town, while I think he's scum I still think there's a chance he could be a 3rd party with the way he's acting.
  12. My ability is not considered self-visiting. While the flavor could be thought of as an "action" it is in fact passive.
  13. Just a thought... So, I typically think of bus driver as a town or scum role. I just had a flashback to an older game I played in where bus driver was actually a 3rd party. I can't remember their goals, but it was possible.
  14. I don't mind clearing myself with somebody else as the secondary, I just don't want it to be iLTS vs nolynch which would leave us in roughly the same spot as end of D1.
  15. I don't think it does as it's just an ability I have. I will confirm though.
  16. Then you're completely missing what I said in that post. If you look carefully at what is claimed about what happened with you and Jeod somebody involved in that chain of events HAS to be lying. Would you rather target some people involved in a logical fallacy or target some people based off of hearsay?
  17. Then do you have any thoughts on the post I made earlier? From my perspective, I see it as a voting for somebody who was claimed to have been blocked or voting for one or more people who are definitely involved in a lie. If all you care about is safety and guaranteed lynches then please read what I posted.
  18. That's my bad, I'd thought you'd just said the first part in an earlier post but I can't find it now. I would also appreciate it if those who want to lynch me would clearly state why. For example, Shade just has a vote and doesn't really say why he wants to. I would assume he's agreeing with Verti but it isn't clear.
  19. Why does Shade think it's a good idea not to lynch somebody just because there was no NK? I know that I am town and that I am bulletproof. In my eyes, blocking somebody and then jumping into a lynch vote for them just because you blocked them doesn't make sense to me. Even if you see it as cause for suspicion with the lack of a night kill there are many possible explanations for why we didn't have one. Also, there are plenty of people who also have had suspicion cast on them. I see that move as something illogical for town to do; just how Shade's stance on not lynching somebody because there was no NK but we should lynch somebody makes no sense. Sure Killing_You could be somebody in the town jumping to conclusions, but he could also be scum who had a NK fail and wants to get an unkillable target out of the way. Yes, I am claiming bulletproof who had a day blocker.
  20. Alright, here's a big wall of text. There are four possibilities to explain the lack of a night kill: The mafia member performing the NK was blocked The mafia targeted somebody who was immune The mafia chose not to perform an NK The night killer got bussed to themselves and were unable to kill themselves Option 1 (blocked NK): Quite simply, the person who was going to perform the mafia NK was blocked and was unable to do anything. As Killing_You has claimed, this would be me. Option 2 (ineffective NK): Unless this is some kind of crazy game with crazy killing rules and options I don't think there's more than one person who's immune to NKs. So, the only way that this option would have happened is if I was the target of the NK. Vertigo and Killing_You both claim to have visited me. If Option 2 is what happened last night then I think one of them is cleared (why would two scum target somebody they're planning on killing?). Option 3 (no NK): This is something I've done myself in past games as mafia. It's already been suggested that mafia might have passed on a NK due to Shade claiming to be a bus driver. Another possibility is that the mafia are players that we already think are town. It's quite effective to pass up a NK when you're all in the clear; it generally shifts blame onto anybody else and keeps you in the clear. Option 4 (bussed NK): As suggested by Jeod, this is also a valid option. I have played in games in the past where night kills in general (not just mafia ones) cannot harm the person using them if redirected. However, I've also played in games where the opposite is true. This entirely comes down to who's running the game and I don't know enough about Irish to have an idea as to which way he'd go. If anybody else who has played a game of his can give their thoughts on this it'd be much appreciated. Now that we have the non-NK possibilities established, let's move on to claimed actions Claimed Actions: Group 1: Shade bussed Jeod and Nodlied Jeod targeted himself to watch Nodlied targeted Jeod but the action failed Cat5 targeted Shade with an action to cause Shade to fail Orange investigated Cat5 and got "not-town" Group 2: Killing_You blocked iLTS Vertigo tracked iLTS iLTS was bulletproof Trying to untangle the spaghetti of Group 1, I think I know the two possible set of results. Set 1 (Cat5 is telling the truth and Shade was unsuccessful in his bus): Cat5 sabotages Shade Shade fails to bus Jeod and Nodlied and does nothing Jeod watches himself and sees Shade and Nodlied visit him (Shade was not roleblocked as claimed by Cat5, he was sabotaged so he would still visit) Nodlied visits Jeod and his action fails Orange investigates Cat5 and gets "not-town" result Set 2 (Cat5 is lying and Shade was successful in his bus): Cat5 did not sabotage Shade Shade swaps Jeod and Nodlied Jeod watches Nodlied and sees Shade visit Nodlied and Nodlied visit himself Nodlied visits himself and does something or nothing Orange investigates Cat5 and gets "not-town" result What this comes down to is that I think either Jeod is lying or Nodlied and Cat5 are lying. In Set 1, Cat5 is telling the truth about his role and Nodlied was able to visit Jeod. Nodlied's action then failed to work on Jeod for some reason. So far, Jeod has claimed that he is a watcher and that he has a random dayvig that will always... target... a lightning based role like ChopBam? Something doesn't add up with Jeod at all. If this is the case, I do not think that he is town. In Set 2, Cat5 is lying about his role and looks pretty scummy. This means that Nodlied tried to visit Jeod and instead visited himself. I'm not sure what action would fail if targeting yourself on a bus besides a night kill. In other words, Nodlied tried to kill Jeod, targeted himself, and failed since he's not going to kill himself if this was IRL. This implies a Nodlied/Cat5 scum team. Unless I'm overlooking some critical piece of information either Set 1 happened or Set 2 happened, there's no middle ground. This means that Jeod is non-town (3rd party or scum) or Nodlied/Cat5 are working together. And who else would be working together than a scum team? Now let's look at Group 2. Set 1: iLTS has a passive BP Vertigo tracks iLTS and he goes nowhere Killing_You visits iLTS and does something (NK, actually a roleblock, etc) Set 2: iLTS attempted something but was blocked Vertigo tracks iLTS and he goes nowhere Killing_You blocks iLTS All I can say is that I do not have any action that targets another player during the night. My only night action is to be bulletproof. Unfortunately, there's really nothing here to disprove or prove anybody, it is entirely "he said she said". I have claimed that I did nothign except sit around and Killing_You has claimed that he roleblocked me. We could both be telling the truth or one of us is lying. Based on Cat5's claim, I don't think there's more than one role blocker in the game (a saboteur is effectively the same thing as a roleblocker). So, if Cat5 is telling the truth then I think that makes Killing_You scum and would be an explanation for the failed NK. Summary: We have two main groupings of actions. There is the group of actions centered around Jeod and Shade and a group of actions centered around me. Within at least one of those groups is one scum member. If Group 1 Set 1 is what happened, then that makes Jeod non-town and Killing_You probably a liar. If Group 1 Set 2 is what happened then that makes Cat5 a liar and Nodlied his likely accomplice. I think our best course of action is to choose one person from each group for a dual lynch and have Orange use his claimed lynch ability. In other words, we choose either Nodlied or Cat5 and then either Jeod or Killing_You. Since there is some conflict with claims I think we should go with either Jeod and Cat5 or Nodlied and Killing_You.
  21. My bad, I had missed you already said that. Massive post coming right up...
  22. If we don't hear back from @Jeod relatively soon, I think it will be a safe assumption that he's not town (most likely scum at that point). I have a huge post to make, but I can't until Jeod answers in the forum. I don't want him to be able to make something up.
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