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Posts posted by SarahNautili

  1. What if I said, that I could make a Fjord with an industrial area within the level? Industrial interiors and workplaces play exactly the same as an urban setting.




    Edit: 5 minute draft design

    I like that idea. Although it could use a third attack route. Maybe a low pedestrian bridge below the two bases?


    EDIT: By "below" I mean to the left of them.

  2. I've always considered a difference between a n00b and a newbie. You're the latter. A n00b doesn't care to ask questions or learn how to play and keeps making the same stupid mistake over and over. A newbie yes has a lot to learn but actually bothers to learn, ask questions, and try to play with his team.

  3. Fjord. Although of course with some modifications for modern APB. More than two attack routes, and some sort of infantry routes would be pretty necessary imo.


    Metro would also be cool but is probably way outside what you're able to get done in a month's time soo



    I'll dig through einstein's archive to see if anything else springs up as interesting

  4. Sounds like you packed up about the same time I did. Hi, used to go by Glaed, I think I remember you.


    But yeah as another oldbie who's returned, Delta really is the best version of APB we've ever had. It managed to shed a lot of the more stupid changes Gamma made (thank god tech levels are gone) and Pushwall's been really good about keeping an eye on balance and listening to player suggestions (as long as they're not stupid, and unfortunately for his sanity half of them have been, including some of mine :X ) And there's a lot of little tweaks and stuff that make it just... feel good and play better than Beta or Gamma. And lately the units that don't stand out at all have been getting changes to make them somewhat unique and useful - grenadiers recently got a huge overhaul, for example, and the Medic has a unique submachinegun.

  5. I have used it to good effect, yes. The grenadier may not match a V2 for sheer damage, but it does have several advantages. It's better at clearing golden wrench engies off defenses, it's a lot harder to pinpoint since it's a hell of a lot harder to see a grenade in the air than it is to see a V2 rocket, and two or three grenadiers can kill a building decently quickly. Maybe not as quickly as someone getting inside, no, but the range advantage does count for something, since it makes an enemy have to run out of the base and hunt you down, and unlike a V2 you don't die instantly the second a rocket trooper wanders up, and you can fight back against infantry responders better than a V2 can. We actually did manage to kill the Refinery on Guard Duty with it. Also there's been a couple times I managed to use it in a support role against an enemy mech med to keep them suppressed and unable to mech while someone else broke past their armor and finished them off, or against a pillbox or turret to allow it to be finished off despite engineer spamming trying to save it from a kaptain rush.


    And, again, the old grenadier was *literally useless* because its role wasn't unique and there was an infantry for less than double the price that did literally everything it did more than twice as well. And anywhere the Flamethrower wasn't available, the Starshina or Kaptain still did the anti-infantry role far better.

  6. Verti, I've got a feeling you've got no idea what the new gren's job is. It's not to clear buildings (although it can do that role admirably in the larger buildings), it's pure artillery support. From range. The flamer doesn't need to be more powerful, and there's almost no way to balance the old style grenadier that's not either useless (why buy him when you've got a flamer as an option) or too powerful (why buy a flamer when the grenadier's cheaper). He needs his own new niche, stop trying to force him back into his old, useless niche.

  7. I like the new grenadier. I'm already seeing a few interesting uses for him - clearing out the WF from Tanyas in a way Flamers never safely could, and clearing engies off allied defenses to allow killing the defense. Kinda a golden wrench counter. Plus the building harassing, and hell, even infantry harassing as long as he stays far enough away.


    He does need a bigger explosion effect. The current one is way too small for his explosion radius, and makes it kinda hard to see where you're hitting - or at least does for me on my laptop. Especially important since he can't get hit markers.

  8. Make it a Super Cruiser prototype or something that the soviets are trying to call in an airstrike or nuke on. So Seamist but the roles reversed - soviets have to keep something alive to allow the strike.


    Hell, give the Cruiser Building a functional AI Turret that's just a suped up double barrel version of the normal Allied Turret and murders soviet shit that tries to get too close :v

    for the record before pushwall murders me this is all just thinking out loud and definitely not demanding he do it or anythinggg

  9. I remember seeing a few renegade maps where a "ship" (geometry, sometimes setup as a Building) was one team's base. Maybe an objective map where a cruiser building acts as the allied team spawnpoint and spawns ships and helis for an amphibious assault on a soviet base?

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