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Posts posted by FRAYDO

  1. Wooing streamers isn't the answer for PR, not on it's own.


    I agree, though it is a good step to take along with what other ideas we can brainstorm here.


    moonsense, that is interesting as the numbers are bigger than I'd expect, though you have a logical problem in that. If every day you have 40% new visitors, what happened to the new visitors from the day before? Brand new players are always a thing. Getting them to stick around to play for more than a week is another. To have growth, some new players must become old players. Are you seeing bigger numbers of players over time?

    Our analytics are showing an increase by the day. Moonsense yesterday said there were 140 unique players, and today the number is 151.


    To the subject of getting our players to stick around; the stats system in development would do well for that in keeping players engaged and aiming for the number #1 spot. Even then, stats alone could not possibly maintain interest forever.


    The question here for everyone would be: What do you believe is needed to not only bring in new players and community members, but to have them also want to stick around?

  2. For most nostalgic it has to be Act on Instinct, definitely. As I had said before, there's nothing like starting off each mission with that tune. With or without the lyrics, it was an amazing track. It set just the right mood for the game, and essentially that song WAS Command & Conquer.

  3. It seems you and I are having the same idea here, Isaac. In fact, you're one of the streamers on my invite list! The idea is to have a proper game night, with you and other streamers aboard. During the time of the event, we can drop Youtube and Twitch links of our participating streamers here and there for people to check out a live APB game and invite them to our game and our community.

  4. You will most certainly have the freedom to add your own units and buildings (see: Raap's Hostile Waters). Every thing you may need to learn to do that can be found in the W3D Tutorials section.


    Of course, tutorials aren't worth much without the proper tools!



    Game asset creation, character modeling, map making and more! All can be done with time, patience, and the desire to learn and to create!

  5. When the SDK is complete and released to the public, you will be free and able to create all the mission and campaign maps that you would like. Between bug fixes, infantry and vehicle changes, and balance refinements (as you can see in the latest changelog), it is too much for the development team to undertake. With the SDK, this may be a task best left to the community to tackle.

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