How the hell does Irish find the time for this? Does he also do Day actions? I just did night action claims.
Night Action Claims
Charmed ChopBam, failed
Charmed Nodlied, failed
Invited to KY's gym
Charmed iLTS, success
Boosted ability from KY
Charmed ChopBam, redirected, success with ChopBam anyway
Passed mask to Nodlied
Forced the mask to ChopBam
Forced the mask to stay on ChopBam
Received Charm masonry from FRAYDO
Attempted roleblock on ChopBam using the mask, did not succeed. Used Wind Waker to redirect night actions
Inhaled and blocked Orange
Discarded copied ability
Received the mask, forced to him by iLTS
Blocked Louis.
Tried to pass mask, failed.
Discarded copied ability, destroyed mask, received Smart Bomb by redirection
Received Charm masonry from FRAYDO
Did not use armour ability
Did not use armour ability
Blocked by ChopBam
Intended to pass armour to ChopBam, was redirected to Mojoman
Visited Verti for masonry, failed due to target death
Invited FRAYDO to gym masonry
Boosted FRAYDO in the same masonry
Nothing, on cooldown until N5
Roleblocked Shade
Claims no action on account of Vanilla
Claims no action on account of Vanilla
Received Smart Bomb start of N4, passed Bomb to Louis but redirected to ChopBam
Danced for Shade, was roleblocked
(Was not revealed)
Danced for Shade again
Blocked Vert
Searched ChopBam
Please feel free to correct things. We can always look back and verify things, after all. Shade and Verti were not included for their early deaths, but if someone wants to recall their actions and can make use of the information, we can have them added.