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Everything posted by des1206

  1. @Pushwall Can you do an analysis and let us know when are the servers most filled during the next patch update thread? This way people will know when to join for bigger games.
  2. I'd tell you to seek out a Gun Fu instructor: renalert 2016-04-12 02-28-24-38.png But unfortunately it's been a dead art ever since the release of Delta. On a more serious note though. The colt/pistols/shock rifle in particular are some of the easier things to headshot with - point at their head and shoot, and try not to get into the habit of bunnyhopping cause that hurts your accuracy enough to make it impossible to guarantee a headshot. The more predictable the enemy's movement pattern is, the easier it is to actually mouse onto their head, so being sneaky helps because people who are unaware of your presence are more likely to just run in a straight line to maintain maximum speed. If you're facing an enemy that suffers greatly from jumping penalties (particularly the flamethrower, captain and sniper) and you intimidate them into bunnyhopping for defense, you've hurt their accuracy enough that you probably don't even need to get headshots to win. And with the shock rifle specifically, a lot of its damage comes from the damage-over-time effect that has the same effectiveness no matter where you hit them, so for the shock rifle headshots are usually not worth the trouble. With other weapons you need to compensate for the projectile's travel time by aiming where you think the enemy's going to be when the bullet reaches their location, which makes things more complicated especially if the weapon's rate of fire or projectile velocity are very low (such as the rocket launchers). Seems like bunny hopping in general is a bad idea...unless you are at point blank range or are using an AoE/spray weapon?
  3. Can someone teach me how to aim better? I've been playing this game for years and it's still really hard to do headshots.
  4. I feel Tanya is considerably more balanced against other infantry in Delta compared to previous versions where she'd easily kill infantry in 2-3 shots, including the versions that I worked on a couple years earlier. This time around, I'd say you can achieve that same lethality through well-aimed headshots. You can argue rifle's secondary does the similar damage. Also do good Tanya users find it easy to do headshots in close quarter combats (within buildings)?
  5. Just wanted to check if people are okay with her current anti-infantry Colt .45 damage. I admit I suck at using her, but 4~5 body shots just to kill a rifle soldier? Or maybe I just need to improve my aiming skills.
  6. 1. Anybody notices how the medium tank's barrel unrealistically goes through its chassis when the turret is pointed backwards? No other tank in the game does this. It bothers me. 2. I noticed the cloak skins for the game has gone back to the transparent white ones a-la Renegade. What happened to the Ralistic grey ones? Or is this just my graphics card? (I have my settings to the highest!) 3. Can we remove the mechanic wrench as a weapon from FOI?
  7. Can we do a co-op map? I remember there was one map where we had to protect an Allied MCV from Soviet tanks and paratroopers coming from all directions. You can donate to build defenses.
  8. Guys, I remember we had two special objective maps that was like a reverse Assault_Seamist 1. First one had Allies spawn on a beachhead with crates and vehicles nearby by but no base. They had to attack a weakened Soviet base. Bunkers had MCTs in them. 2. Second one was where the Soviet base had 3 Tesla Coils, with Longbows coming to destroy one of them every 10 minutes. Allied Base was scattered everywhere on the map and the Soviets had to destroy them before time runs out.
  9. I am just asking if VR is simply getting hardware plugged into an existing FPS game, or does there need to be significant software in the game to complement it. If it's the latter, of course it won't be doable.
  10. This maybe a future topic, but would there be any significant work required to adopt existing 3D games like APB for VR tech such as the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive? If not, it would be so cool to just put on a VR headset and play APB totally immersed!
  11. Seconds it takes to destroy: Mammoth Tank (side armor) Heavy Tank (side armor) Unit Used: Heavy 37s 20s Medium 34s 20s Light 42s 22s Guys I know i brought this up before, and I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, but does anyone else feel the heavy always loses in a one on one fight vs. mediums, and sometimes even lights? It doesn't help that the heavy and medium tanks have equal DPS versus medium armor, so the only difference in DPS is how many shots the heavy misses during fights. Because the way the aiming system works for heavies, it's much easier to miss shots than the other tanks. Even missing 1 out 10 shots more than the medium means a 10% DPS reduction. To be fair the heavy does much more damage versus light armor than medium/light tanks, and light tanks are horrible versus heavy armor. Lastly, can someone explain how come mediums are more effective versus Mammoth tanks than the heavy? I tested this out several times so the data's legit.
  12. Hey, don't beat up the doc. Without him there wouldn't be a Chronophere, Prism Tanks, Prism Towers or Mirage tanks, and what would the Allies do without those? Probably just a collection of spectrum tanks, peacekeepers, proton colliders and century bombers.
  13. Why are Allies and Soviets fighting over a piece of glacier anyway? I miss TheWoodToday and Metro
  14. Does anyone else think the light tank is a little TOO fast and maneuverable right now?
  15. Is it actually worth it on most maps for a manned ore truck to go the extra distance to mine gems? Is the extra $ amount gained in proportion to the distance traveled greater vs. ore fields? (i.e twice the distance to gem vs. ore field, more than twice the income)
  16. But....it's not April 1st yet Pushwall!
  17. A few patches ago Volktillery had about 25% more DPS and it rendered raiding buildings from within mostly obsolete. And even then he was still doing "merely" 60% the DPS of a V2. I'm considering raising the grenadier's range a little instead, because the range gap between a Grenadier and the more damaging RPG is actually not that significant. I guess my question is: If the RPG trooper does more DPS to building exterior than the nader, why wouldn't I just by the RPG when I want to attack buildings from the outside? Especially since the point of attacking any building is speed - trying to kill it as fast as possible before defenders have time to repair.
  18. When I use the MGG and press the primary fire button it decloaks for a bit. Is that supposed to do anything?
  19. Things I only found out through APB delta patch notes: http://pastebin.com/giZJhsAa I had no idea! - Flamethrower takes 50% extra damage when shot in his fuel tanks. - Medic Kit now heals armour if the target's health is full; however, it does this at 5% of its health healing speed. - Engineers has EOD armour; compared to regular infantry, he takes 50% less damage from explosions and cannot be ignited by high-explosive/fire damage. Passive mine detector has been improved; enemy mines within 30m of the Engineer become visible on his team's radar, making them much easier to sweep. - Shock trooper is now completely immune to Tesla splash damage. Artillery - cannon can now can now be rotated horizontally 1.25 degrees. APC - Infantry that enter the vehicle will have all of their armour restored. However they will not gain ammo back like the Supply Truck. Phase Tank - Secondary fires unguided rockets MRJ can now carry a passenger. Demos get destroyed in one hit by enemy MAD shockwaves. Subs - Has an alternate "periscope" camera. Shooting animated parts of buildings (such as doors) will actually damage the building now. Refinery - Molten ore in the basement in the "tunnel" version is lethal if you stand on it.
  20. But this is the same for any vehicles attacking since they can't get inside to the MCT. I don't know, V2s are easily spotted in the field and clunky to use. Couple of Grenadiers (if given decent damage vs. buildings) on foot/supply truck/chinook/minelayer can offer an stealthier/cheaper/faster-to-put-together rush than a couple of V2s driving in a chain to the enemy base. I guess you can also just use other infantries to go inside.....but going inside takes time, there are base defenses in the way, and nader can use hills/walls to his advantage.
  21. Up nader's damage to buildings the same as RPG's, then I think it will be fine. When I want to shoot tanks and attack buildings externally, I buy RPG (even better than Kov/Shock vs non-MCT). When I want more anti-infantry and range, but care less about tanks, I buy nader. Imagine 2 - 3 Grenadiers plumetting your building from/over a hill, but when you try to go take them down with infantries you meet a fiery death. Grenadiers - Allied artillery on foot.
  22. I think all support class infantry are already pretty well-balanced these days to see some uses. Maybe the medic is a little underused on non-infantry only maps? Does anybody see medics being used?
  23. Well, instead of upping the ROF for RPG, you can also lower the ROF for the RS.
  24. I think it's the price tag we are unsure of. Also obligatory grenadier vs. longbow gif.
  25. So for $500 I get a unit that does less damage vs. buildings and vehicles than the $300 RPG trooper, no anti-air capability, but better versus infantry and slightly longer range.with no LOS needed.
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