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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Are you able to confirm that the gun doesn't give some sort of kill action?
  2. He did, complained when he went suspicious later on in the game as well.
  3. Do you have a part called "Retaliation Gets Shot in the Face?"
  4. If Orange was lying to us, cat5 must be telling the truth. If cat5 was telling the truth, there is only one pluralist vote out in the field.
  5. We would not have won the vote if Orange wasn't voting soft with me.
  6. This is going to be hilarious at end game when cat5 is a bog standard pluralist.
  7. Don't act like you were ever going to give it back anyway.
  8. Should I be worried about your plan working @OrangeP47? Can I pass the cane to you @Shade939?
  9. I don't like the idea of my evil plan colliding with your evil plan lol. @Shade939 you should investigate Irish.
  10. @Category 5 Hurricane @OrangeP47 By nominate I mean nominate shade and whatever reform you want.
  11. I'm still waiting on getting my crowbar back from Jeod for nominating him.
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