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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. No one can be allowed to have a gun. Whichever side has it will inevitably win because they can kill until they have a guaranteed majority.
  2. Neither status quo or pluralist should start with something that can unilaterally up remove a player from the game. The evidence key is great because it can be blocked, seems to require setup, and requires an investigation.
  3. There will be yet another gun in it, and it will somehow ruin the fun of the game yet again.
  4. I don't think I'm ever going to play another crisis mafia after this.
  5. ##reform stopeveryonefrombeingbigbabieswheninvestigated military
  6. You're so focused on scum vs town, it's like you've forgotten that town is split between two competing teams who would also love to shoot each other.
  7. The fact that he's considering killing people from all sides is basically confirmation he's scum. We just can't stop him right now. ##voteInvestigate cat5.
  8. These threats to not strike me as particularly town. Or well thought out.
  9. There's no way to stop him unfortunately. It's likely crowbar wins out over everything based on how I stole sun's typewriter.
  10. I want to again put forward shade for nomination ##votenominate Shade I think he's sufficiently demonstrated his claims.
  11. From what I understand there are two ways to make someone hostile. Push a case and framing them. One requires evidence.
  12. Something we haven't discussed at all is how we're going to handle the gun in the vault.
  13. That was my point, although I butchered the logic. KY wouldn't have seen Irish pick up the medkit.
  14. IIRC KY copped him night 1, the same time he would have picked it up. KY also saw the gun though, so my unstated took the gun from the vault theory is bunk.
  15. Other than Irish telling us he has a medkit, do we have any other indications that he has one?
  16. My offer yesterday still stands you know. Jeod's threat merely delayed it a day.
  17. I've held the view all game that someone with a killing role HAS to not be interested in the politics of the game. Permanent, unilateral, elimination is too powerful in the hands of either status quo or pluralism.
  18. Well yeah. I had a post all planned out, but I felt it prudent to ensure that we weren't detecting a false alarm.
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