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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. I would like to issue a correction. Jeod did vote me before I went to bed.
  2. Lol. Rules for thee not for me. As for stating my status, I don't feel I have been in a position where it's been necessary. There's been a lot of questioning my motives, but no votes until I got off for the night. If you really wanted to know you could just ask. All status tells you is what your investigation will do to a person, which is why investigating Irish isn't a high priority because if he's innocent it does nothing to him. At least with you we deprive civil war/abolishment a vote.
  3. It's a passive so I have no control over it. I will never trust the likes of Kane!
  4. That's exactly my point? A one in 9 chance to lose your vote doesn't seem worth it when you can just advance the soft position instead.
  5. Not so anonymous that we didn't figure out what you voted for.
  6. That is part of the reason I'm in favor of investigating Jeod today. At the very least we eliminate one radical vote, if not make an example of him for those that consider voting radical.
  7. I think I'm going back to the jeod investigation for the time being. ##investigate Jeod.
  8. I think he just knows we're in a position where the civil war can be prevented, and is cocky enough to think he can force his victory condition.
  9. It would help protect abolishment players from your all seeing eye though Orange. They can try to subtly influence the vote toward more stability damaging options without being caught as easy.
  10. I wonder if every option is actually some sort of referendum on status quo vs pluralist.
  11. I think the radio lets you be a mason and I've never been a mason before.
  12. Yeah that's actually pretty reasonable now that I'm looking past the kneejerk lynch all liars reaction.
  13. I trusted you Irish. I trusted you like a complete stranger which is more than I'll trust FRAYDO, but I still trusted you. ##investigate irish
  14. I don't understand how you can take the medkit and place a trap?
  15. These statements feel contradictory to me. If it wasn't aggressive how would you know it affected stability?
  16. Hostile isn't likely to be a starting status. It's something that a player gets for doing aggressive actions.
  17. Ohhhh, so he must have done something in addition to voting.
  18. I don't know? I don't see where he said he took something from the vault.
  19. Or radical pluralism. What are the chances that political reform is abolishment vs status quo?
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