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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Orange made the same move I was going to make. I don't see how his shot was scummy. Threatening to shoot over being voted isn't town imo.
  2. How are we going to reach 60 pages of nonsense by D2 if we don't have shade to argue with?!
  3. Hello! I'm Retaliation, nice to meet you third party.
  4. IIRC first you roll to see if you fire and then roll to see if you kill. I am a computer assisted biologically augmented lifeform /s
  5. I've always disliked how the kill actions are formatted as chance to fail and then chance to succeed.
  6. I'd deny that, but he did take a lot of breaks for dinner when we were scum buddies...
  7. If you're not thinking of how to bait the NK into a dig in, you're not putting forth a best effort imo.
  8. You also have less day kills to use later on and a kill on a person who used their day kill is less valuable.
  9. Just because HoI4 has AI that feels like it's out of the 90s doesn't mean it's actually from the 90s!
  10. You guys must really be bored waiting for cyberpunk to unlock.
  11. I honestly should have let it happen, scum needed all the help they could get that game!
  12. You guys almost voted out Voe D1 when he wasn't in the game. Was actually a bit of a problem for me at the time.
  13. Look at the rage you guys are generating with this notification spam. You're all such jerks!
  14. Just knowing what kinds of factions people are interested in would be a big help.
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