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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Yep! I figured he was lying about it being one-time when he used it the first time so I wasn't surprised. No one else seemed to notice when he used it again though.
  2. If you wanted to make a case on iLTS, I would have started here btw.
  3. If I may nitpick, if cat5 is scum its almost certain he's lying about his passive. It's not inconceivable he's just roleblock immune. Phone posting so no green font :<
  4. Right, but how was it used then? KY presumably couldn't have used it if he passed it, and it could have only stopped sunflower if passing an item had higher priority than a roleblock.
  5. Yeah, I just didn't realize that was an option question. I know from Halloween mafia (I think...) that he's pretty big on minimizing the ability for town to figure out the game based on action reports. I feel like he's done a pretty good job of it this game. How did Sunflower fail to block iLTS then?
  6. I'm 99% positive NK + role action is a thing this game, especially after the KY debacle.
  7. *Quietly adds example to "All Actions That Fail Are Identical" theory*
  8. I'm like 90% certain we can lock down scum once we get to 4 players or less if both FRAYDO and I are alive.
  9. Nvm, what I'm thinking of gets countered by scum deciding to not kill N4.
  10. @Jeod Your gummies watch whoever is holding them correct?
  11. If scum does a no kill that would put us at 3v1 tomorrow (assuming bomb goes off). That actually gives us some wiggle room to no lynch. If we go for that play I'd like to be webbed to confirm that I don't have an item.
  12. It's not like she's going to do anything else with her web though. Stealing from you isn't conclusive, but it's something. Stealing from me would be conclusive, but I'm not a lynch target today.
  13. Unfortunately cat5 is a similar situation. If we don't get an item off of him that doesn't mean he's cleared.
  14. Mafia should include an advisory warning about playing just after you wake up.
  15. The third possibility is that scum went for Joed and Sunflower saved him. I just realized if Orange's bomb goes off we'll be down to a 2v1 tomorrow.
  16. I want Louis to come back and web iLTS so we can get back to accusing me of being scum.
  17. Explain? This idea that iLTS and KY were scum buddies makes my brain feel wrong. Why did iLTS turn on KY rather than sunflower (who admitted she had an action fail on him!)? He doesn't even entertain the idea that she attacked him. He's the one that solidified my thoughts on KY being scum.
  18. If KY was using scramble on iLTS and his ability on Orange, why wouldn't he just admit he used an item on iLTS? His response to FRAYDO's accusation reads more like scum who got caught tracked to the NK.
  19. Hopefully she steals all the items on her target rather than just one randomly.
  20. Maybe! iLTS was the only other person besides me who was scum reading KY though.
  21. The only reason sunflower knows she did not count as visiting her target is that her passive is apparently an on visit effect and whatever happened didn't count as visiting.
  22. I have absolutely no idea! I could have been roleblocked for all I know!
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