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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Wow I didn't think Shade would be so gullible.
  2. So I looked back, and I found out scum can just lie about not being scum!1!!!
  3. I keep getting paranoid that scum doesn't have a NK something weird happened between KY and iLTS.
  4. I think he achieves his objective this night.
  5. I'm assuming I'm going to make the wrong choice!
  6. The wormhole just connects two points on the map. It doesn't fit a bus ability very well because you can the wormhole against the scrin player. Buzzers do scatter very nicely... when they die A redirection ability would fit the Redeemer much better what with the inevitable stealth and rage generator.
  7. Scrin are more about straight up stopping things from happening rather than redirecting them.
  8. Is it scummy of me to decide who I believe based on what ability I want to copy?
  9. What if scatter is Cat5's ability and he used it on iLTS N1 and himself N2? Keep doctors away from first kill (still fails due to passive BP) and then prevent investigative roles from targeting him N2 (NK failed due to Louis protecting FRAYDO)?
  10. Took KY's absolute zero ability. I agree it seems we're deciding between Cat5 and Sun.
  11. Correct, I've been too damn confused to do something involving thinking like changing my mind.
  12. I would definitely have let him shoot someone first lol. @Jeod I didn't have a dead player to target so I tried guessing the NK.
  13. I'm not playing chess, I'm playing "Lynch 'Em All and Let the GM Sort 'Em Out!"
  14. This has been a very banter rich game.
  15. I've been using Tiberium/Ichor text since my initial role request QQ
  16. I just want to play checkers Incidentally Orange, you are incredibly lucky that I decided to play a more patient game. I almost posted a kill action like 5 times with you as my target as revenge for that D1 kill you did and so I'd have a body for my night action.
  17. Are you sure you don't want to try convincing us Sunflower is not scum by making a case on her?
  18. You don't have to worry about that. Orange will blow you up first
  19. ##vote Sunflower I think it's more likely that Louis saved Jeod with her protection ability and was unaware than Sunflower had multiple ability failures AND scum somehow failed to kill again.
  20. He's saying it's Louis so we don't lynch the last mafia member right?
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