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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Jokes on you scum, you killed one of my top suspects! Are you a cop? You have to tell me if you're a cop.
  2. Look Jeod, if you're going to use a hammer don't go halfway.
  3. I never did get my revenge against Orange in GoT.
  4. ##vote nolynch Care to elaborate? I've been distracted by borderlands 3.
  5. I could always OMGUS Nodlied and vert for suspecting me and my emote posts, but then I'd get lynched to the 3 votes between them .
  6. Did you see Retal make all those no text posts during the joke phase? Must be scum.
  7. wow rood Yeah, and that combined with the suspicion from the Irish vote caused me all sorts of problems that game. So joking about still being angry is warranted I feel. I could probably explain all my no text posts, but none of them have any sort of high level thought.
  8. I was joking about being mad. You don't remember Janitorial mafia?
  9. You guys are literally the opposite of fun.
  10. There's a pokemon go friendship circle and I wasn't invited (or I forgot)!?
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