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Everything posted by Retaliation

  1. Maybe we should be considering the undead hordes mafia.
  2. I suppose one way to try and break the game is for the rebels to just surrender every time they're converted.
  3. So what happens if they just lynch you now? Do you all play merry-go-sith until it's just Jeod vs the last player?
  4. Honestly I feel the game has mechanically been fairly reasonable so far, notwithstanding my blood oath to kill RedA6M.
  5. You don't join the night watch until the start of the next council phase.
  6. Nay little lordling. We still have our parts to play in this game.
  7. Whatever your shenanigans, I still call dibs on Lord Commander.
  8. This is why I thought Shade was the Hand. I did not expect the bickering to have a time delay.
  9. It's not like I can do anything else. Besides, what's he going to do to me he already hasn't done?
  10. I'm honestly playing up my frustrations for humor. However, this is like the third game where someone fixates on something I said early on and get tunneled lol.
  11. Zombies and I have one thing in common. A burning passion for killing Orange.
  12. You said you had an ability to lower WIN. I want that in play.
  13. What desertion mechanic? I miss my house ability. Once per rebellion immunity from assaults? Yes please.
  14. "If it's not listed you don't have actions" None of those quotes indicated she could be the Hand.
  15. It irritates me that not only did Jeod waste his confirmed royalist status to just vote the most voted player, he also didn't deny Shade was not the Hand. I ignored Shade that entire phase because I thought he was soft confirmed Royalist. One might say I'm perturbed.
  16. I feel the wildlings would be much more at home in your's though!
  17. I have faith points and generation, but no religious actions. Unsure if it's because I'm still at tier 0 and vert forgot text about upgrading. Kept 5k.
  18. There are 4 House actions for the Night Watch. Unlock new night actions Unlock fortification projects Unlock diplomacy and faith actions Vote for a lord commander All of them seem to have you join a doc, so I think the once per rebellion limitation is for each player. When we have more players we can vote for a lord commander.
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