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Forum Game Masters
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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Wrong, sir! I would never vote Shade into kingship, yet I vote for myself.
  2. Well I do already have the appropriate avatar.
  3. Money and women, status and sex. I demand the finer things!
  4. Can I be a Lord? I like the idea of being a a Lord.
  5. I’d force Voe to be my Hand and submit him to the tortures of my whimsy.
  6. Right, my vanity is immeasurable. ##vote Jeod
  7. The irony is that the gif shows Isengard about to be destroyed. I think.
  8. So I just got Smash Bros Ultimate and I'm terribly frustrated that the character unlocks are entirely random. I always gunned for my main man Luigi, now I have to play as Mario until I find him.
  9. Hmm...I suppose I can allow it just this once.
  10. If there’s another delay I’m backing out.
  11. Game plan: Shade becomes King and everyone else rebels. Game breaks and Verti60 is forced to resort to APB VII. @Category 5 Hurricane watches from afar while eating popcorn.
  12. If you do include me in the game you can assign a random house and role/whatever to me. I have no preference.
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