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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. See, KY's error is that he thinks he can take us all on. He hasn't been manipulative enough to get us to fight eachother in an effort to find his partner. It appears scum's current plan is to have Mewtwo tank everything it possibly can. If I can't take it out, then I can weaken it for the double battle tomorrow.
  2. Hey Shade, can any of his possible moves OHKO me?
  3. I got called into work today but should be home by the usual battle time (30m after hammer)
  4. Moltres. More than enough to take out Sunflora.
  5. Noticed he hasn't voted at all yet and hasn't volunteered once for battle, even suggesting scum would want to battle to cover his tracks. In a scum vs scum fight, scum lose either way. Scum won't want to be battling today.
  6. If we can’t decide on that then the next best thing is whoever has the most lives left. That would be Irish.
  7. Wow, nine (tentative) players in a matter of 3 days! This means I can definitely include a special game mechanic. Here's a hint:
  8. Moltres ready to rumble. But I agree with shade that for single battles we should try to put scum vs scum. In doubles we can gang up on a legendary.
  9. That all depends on if Orange let you have Recover as a move for Mewtwo. :P
  10. ##rocket Killing_You ##trainer Jeod Bring me Thanos Sunflora!
  11. So if TheIrishMan has Zappos, why didn’t he push to join the fight...
  12. I’m on mobile, but I’m sure you haven’t had enough time to fully train the Pokémon.
  13. Mhm, and I suppose you’ve gotten it to 50 with some help.
  14. About three weeks at minimum, yes. If PokeMafia 2 takes longer, the start date will be pushed back.
  15. Look at that @OrangeP47, you made a good first impression! Good job.
  16. Friendly reminder of this gem: We seem to enjoy having two doctors a lot in our games.
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