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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Listen to yourself. Scum hand out booby-trapped boxes with their own name on it. Your desperation is showing. Yet, if you think KY is scum, why didn't you vote him in instead of TheIrishMan?
  2. No contradiction compared to the rest of our abilities which all work in a single night. There's still the matter of you being the only one with two distinct abilities.
  3. And yes, Shade, I did take notice that you'd gone silent until after Category 5 made his round of posts, and then your very next post wasn't to comment on his analysis, but to back out of the coming battle. Like you'd been instructed.
  4. So it's just as fast as Shade's "ability", then, with the only downside being that the receiving player has to use the item the following night.
  5. Do you need to generate the item before you can pass it, or can you do both in the same night?
  6. Okay, so you're claiming you had a single-use revive and an unlimited-use heal ability, correct? @Killing_You, any comment since your MooMoo Milk character ability kind of conflicts with this?
  7. In that case, I'll make an autobattle thing after I see which Pokemon I'll be battling.
  8. I'll be here, so won't need autobattles.
  9. Nothing. I'd made my two nightpost limit and considered making a third when I realized what the Meowth defect meant, but decided that it could work to our advantage if scum thought I wouldn't be battling them. By that time I'd already hinted at training up something else, and given hints toward a fire type. Directly challenging KY would have been a hint to scum as well, since he has a Lv50 Sunflora and I clearly felt confident in taking him on. KY also might have swapped his Sunflora due to that, so if he was unprepared for a different challenger the following day, it would be better for him to not fight. Scum would be wanting him to, probably.
  10. I can't recall if I changed/completed my votes after the initial one where I voted to be on a team with KY, so I'll go ahead and re-vote. ##Trainer Jeod/Cat5 ##Rocket Shade/Brigitte
  11. That's correct, though it doesn't prove anything really. For one, there's nothing about that information that tells us your alignment, and for two, I already stated my roster a day or two ago.
  12. Hmm... @Category 5 Hurricane, since the battle for today is pretty set in stone, perhaps it would be a good time to theorycraft that KY is scum and caused insane investigation results, meaning that myself, you, and Brigitte are town. If this were the case, then who would KY's partner be? @Brigitte, you never stated which Pokemon of mine you scouted on N1.
  13. That brings up a good question though. I'd just failed an investigation on D1. The only reason to scout me on N1 would be to see what I was training. Granted, you could have chosen anyone else to have the same effect, but it's interesting that you'd pick me on N1--I only had two lives left.
  14. No, you just sound upset that Route 34's investigation was completed.
  15. So it leads back to "the Scyther reveal shouldn't have happened", then?
  16. Talk to Retaliation about it then. He had a reason for wanting to do it and the votes were already locked into either me or him by the time Sunflower spoke up. If anything, by your logic you should be pointing the finger at him for wanting to scum up an investigation. This is why I'm having issue taking your case seriously. You have good arguments for Brigitte otherwise, but the possibility of you being scum muddies those waters. You're usually more airtight.
  17. When it comes down to it, Shade has to be paired with either you or Brigitte, and that's why I'm still perfectly fine with the battle setup for today no matter what people think. You and Shade are forced to battle eachother while Brigitte and myself are forced to battle eachother, and since there's still ample time for others to train their rosters, there can be no room for betrayal on either team.
  18. You mean cooperative and somewhat apathetic (at least from me)? If by trying very hard you mean discussing options like a normal person would do, then sure.
  19. Why indeed. Firstly, if you'd actually been doing your reading, you'd see that my interactions with Brigitte separate us. There are many, many things we said to eachother that could easily have just been written in a scumdoc. Let me know if any of them look preplanned, if you feel like meticulously sorting through them. Secondly, your issue with Retaliation visiting R34 was sorted out here. We talked it out like men (despite Shade's attempted interventions) and found we each had a pretty equal chance of winning or losing. Curiously, you appear more focused on your ability not being kept secret when, if the scum team are who you propose, there would have been zero need for me to give such public hints. Reminds me of a certain someone.
  20. Scratch that, I claimed to have a Moltres first. But I didn't speculate about the other two eggs until Retaliation had already said they were legendary.
  21. If you’re going to make a long post about me, Retaliation gave away the legendary eggs thing before I claimed to have a Moltres.
  22. I already have. Several quotes in fact, a few pages back. I've already voiced my opinion on each one as well. At this point there's no reason for me to continue to "explain" why you're scum. The ball's in your court.
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