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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Wait wait let me redo that.
  3. Category 5 blasts Louis with the spell Nosferatu! With the life literally sucked out of her, Louis drops dead! She was Jabba The Hutt and Third Party!
  4. I’m eating dinner, give me a few. It’s a kill shot btw.
  5. Mechanics clarification: Passing items does count as visiting a player. I think I've always done it that way.
  6. I still think Endgame Mafia was my best hosted setup.
  7. Isn't that a good indicator of a good game though? :D
  8. DAY THREE TheIrishMan was killed last night! He was Willy Wonka, and Town! I feel like I've seen this character before. Someone should file a suit for patent infringement. ANNOUNCEMENT My workplace has decided that despite the rising Covid cases, we will all be returning to the office starting Monday, November 16. I've no idea how long this will last before they reverse course, but I will not be able to conduct proper GMing during my shifts--and I have an hour commute to and from the office. Therefore, while I trust everyone who can do so to keep the CvC at the top updated, I am open to a co-mod. Understand that if you choose to co-mod, you forfeit your role in the game. Otherwise, I will do my best to continue GMing but will unfortunately not be as flexible.
  9. NIGHT TWO Shade939 is lynched! He was a Lich! Alignment unknown. Will he be back? Maybe, maybe not...night two is underway!
  10. I modified it to an easily editable table so forum mods can update the CvC when they see it needs updating. I'll keep my own record as well of course.
  11. I found a cool forum feature. So I'm going to try to keep the updated CvC at the top of the page in that blue box.
  12. This reminds me of something...
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