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Forum Game Masters
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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. A third pulse was felt! And another! The pulses have subsided.
  2. Another pulse was felt in the space-time continuum! Other pulses may follow...
  3. A pulse was felt in the space-time continuum... Other pulses may follow.
  4. Nobody is lynched today. Get your night actions in!
  5. iLikeToSnipe smacks Shade on the head with his Big Stick(tm). It knocks him right out! He won’t be performing any actions or voting today...
  6. Sims: Millenials Edition isn’t a thing yet.
  7. Whoever you lynch, Cat5 dies instead because it was him all along!
  8. DAY ONE You know the drill, you half-baked scallywags! (Sorry, recently got into Sea of Thieves)... Day ends in 48 hours (Sunday, May 3, 10PM GMT)
  9. All PMs have been sent, game will start on time (~4 hours).
  10. All roles are created. Doing some tweaking. If you haven't created a Bio (shown on death) for your character, you can still submit one. Otherwise, no Bio will be shown.
  11. Signups will close in 10.5 hours, still have room for two more players. @Sunflower?
  12. Piggybacking off that, I edited the OP with all previous CYOR data links for your reference.
  13. Don't be so sure it's a lost cause. The anniversary edition has several callbacks planned...
  14. Of the players signed up I need roles from @Louis, @ChopBam, and @FRAYDO.
  15. We have room for 1 more player! You have until Friday at which time I’ll be balancing the requests.
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