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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Orange didn't ask Shade to shoot him before I blocked him.
  2. So now it's my fault you shot him? Ok. ##vote Jeod Good luck.
  3. Does nobody here understand what "team" means?
  4. I did, but hey. Too bad that appears to have been his only power play. Thanks a lot Orange.
  5. Orange seemed certain his sorting would help. I decided to contribute in my own way instead of relying on him. Orange hasn't told you anything about the results of his plan. I've told you NodFan is town. You're welcome.
  6. Once again, he acted for selfish reasons. I’m not interested in him verifying his alignment when I can do it myself. I trust my own ability over the claim of a strongarm player. Everything that occurred D1 was brought upon by the selfishness of Shade and Orange.
  7. Congratulations, you wasted everyone’s time.
  8. Here’s a perspective for you. Orange asked to be shot—I had nothing to do with his “cop” role dying. Another perspective: I’ve been forced to be on defense the whole game thanks to orange. So yes I’m playing scummy.
  9. I figure if you’re town you’ll take a cue from KY and evaluate more. Especially since scum can apparently either kill two characters or a whole roster at night.
  10. Care to give it a try, @Retaliation? One of your roster to test my claim? Or are you too afraid to take one for the team?
  11. *sigh* Whoever tries to daykill me has their attempt backfire.
  12. No. I’m warning you. You’re actually taking things in.
  13. Just don’t jump the godzilla breath if I’m alive tomorrow.
  14. I didn’t want you to end up killing yourself.
  15. Doesn't even stop to ask questions first. Delightful.
  16. Might as well explain the ability more though. I don't get info on the target's abilities, so unless they've already been revealed all I can do is guess. Other than that, they're supposed to follow my vote for the following day.
  17. In your dreams. Sunflower having a shot would be a bad time if she were scum.
  18. She fired a shot (a real action mind you). My control ability tells me my target's alignment, so two birds one stone.
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