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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Very true. However I think Mojo passed the pumpkin. KY could also have roleblocked me. See, thing is, we have multiple roleblocking abilities and items, which need to be balanced out by an item that can allow two nightkills if given to scum, and an item that may curse the holder if there are no consecutive kills. Do I know too much?
  2. I'm too apathetic to try to defend myself more than I've already done. I was in a proven masonry with Nodlied and was proven roleblocked via him with Chopbam as the other party. But hey, if you wanna go girl-power, go right ahead.
  3. It's more because there's no way to prove his Hider claim.
  4. It can easily be that since Louis got no result (couldn't steal anything as I have no items) that she didn't actually go anywhere. That'd be some poor GM resolution, but it could happen. ##vote Category 5
  5. Nah this is a good opportunity to mess with the GM. How would Retaliation resolve two Battles of Wits happening at the same time?
  6. So who claimed to be blocked N1? That's our pumpkin person.
  7. I bet Jack Mojoman gave you the pumpkin. Seems like a Skellington thing to do.
  8. That's pretty vague. What was being talked about at the time?
  9. You don't need to post your PM, just tell us about what time during Day 1 you got the amulet. What was being discussed at the time?
  10. It's the sort of thing where things don't add up unless you use precise language. So, about when on Day 1 did you receive the amulet? Can you use post timestamps to show the general situation at the time of receipt?
  11. Ah so you didn't actually start the game with it.
  12. *mumbles something about the past page of theorycrafting being a waste over a bloke misreading his PM*
  13. Clarification: Or did you receive it at the end of Day 1?
  14. @Louis Did you start the game with the amulet (Day 1) or did it come into your possession at night (Night 1)?
  15. My amulet theory leads to the following critical question: on Day 2, who did not seem to care whether or not a lynch happened?
  16. Here is a comparison object to illustrate my theory: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Opal_Necklace I believe the amulet is of scum or tp origin and is an anti-stalling item--it marks the current holder for death if there are no deaths two days in a row.
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