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Everything posted by Jeod

  1. Take a shot every time: Shade confuses someone Town is lynched Town is daykilled The lynchproof guy is scum Mojoman is the easy vote Jeod has a "gambit" Category 5 does an Objection Killing_You does an Objection FRAYDO posts a meme Nodlied is hostile but town
  2. Yes, I told her I would have made male and female versions with different abilities.
  3. Nah it’s not the extra seconds, it’s the memes.
  4. Hey guys, I'm curious about this but not curious enough to make a dedicated thread for it. Has playing mafia over the years affected your personality in real life for better or worse? Has it helped to solidify your identity, your method of thinking, or has playing mafia even encouraged a change in flaws you didn't realize you had until someone pointed them out? For me, since 2016, I feel like playing mafia here has improved my thought-to-speech process and vocabulary. I've always considered myself a person who is better at putting their thoughts into written text as opposed to vocal language. Around 2017, I realized that I was improving in the latter. Of course there were a lot of other contributing factors--my relationship-turned marriage, my spouse's family members...I was introverted and living alone before I met her, but I also met her shortly after APB Mafia III. I firmly believe the debates I experienced in these mafia games have helped my brain translate thoughts to speech faster (don't ask me how, I've no idea) and in turn boosted my confidence. I've learned more about my impulses and learned to decide which to keep and which to try to shrug off. Thanks to interactions with strangers in google docs and game threads, I've exposed myself to external analysis and a pattern of One-Dimensional Thinking was discovered, which in turn gave me a new goal of something to overcome. I don't know if playing mafia games on this website is as important to some of you, but in the past three years, it's meant a lot to me.
  5. That works, am I still a Tester/whatever else I was?
  6. I can't edit the OP and I don't know if FGM roles like @Retaliation can.
  7. I missed it, I’ll edit the endgame post in a bit.
  8. Oh speaking of this thread, I think it's been WIP for long enough. @VERTi60, perhaps it's time to fill in the blanks and take away some unneeded things like the master game list--nobody updates those anymore.
  9. Since they usually last about 2 weeks in real time, I think October 11 would be a fine start date!
  10. GAME OVER - TOWN WINS The final scum decided to surrender if Mojoman didn't detonate the Smart Bomb on ChopBam. Not only did Mojoman choose not to detonate, but the scum was also roleblocked preventing a kill, assuring their death via lynch the next day. iLikeToSnipe, the scum Majora, has been defeated! Noteworthy Players Congratulations to @Louis who despite having to be at work for a good portion of the game, was able to sneak past town scumdar long enough for her partner to do the heavy lifting and nearly pull off a victory! For your first time as scum, watching you play was quite the twist. Congratulations to @FRAYDO for surviving long enough to bare teeth! Is it the college courses that are making your Ace Attorney persona grow, or has it always been there? Congratulations to @Killing_You for keeping his head in the game the entire time and contributing immensely to the town cause! Congratulations to @iLikeToSnipe for jumping in to replace a scum and keeping a cool head throughout the game--I really appreciate you coming in despite knowing you'd be one scum down already. Congratulations to @Shade939 for nailing the first scum, even though it was pure luck that Orange was scum and not actually scumhunting merit! Congratulations to @Mojoman for finding his town game and making massive contributions to the final days of discussion! Congratulations to @Nodlied for having the audacity to fart on so many players and even sending DK away! You'd likely have won if not for RNG. Congratulations to @ChopBam for standing his ground and putting up a superb town defense in the face of scum deception! The Game Data Excel Spreadsheet Scumdoc Wii Fit Trainer's Gym Gym Log Charm Doc 1 (FRAYDO & iLikeToSnipe) Charm Doc 2 (FRAYDO & ChopBam) Dead Doc Special Thanks I want to thank all players for supporting mafia games. Mafia never happens without the players. In particular, @Category 5 Hurricane didn't need to play since he was on vacation, but did anyway. I'm sorry I didn't have more time to tweak the setup and create something as neat as EndGame Mafia, but I think this game still turned out decent enough to entertain everyone.
  11. This game is over. End post coming soon.
  12. Louis was Queen Rutela....and scum! Nobody can say why Queen Rutela decided to join the mafia in the afterlife. Perhaps she became corrupted, or perhaps she seeks vengeance on the Twili who killed her. NIGHT FIVE
  13. Just in time for hammer. Let's see who we end up with today...
  14. DK suddenly reappears and throws bananas everywhere!
  15. FFS even Death Note had its entire storyboard planned out.
  16. MHA Season 4 is coming out dubbed in two weeks and I've been reading about the series in general.
  17. You know what really grinds my gears? Animes without a clear end in sight. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was my first anime, and at 64 episodes it had a perfect beginning, middle, and climatic end. I never got into Dragonball-Z or Bleach because they all had 200+ episodes. A single anime episode averages 25 minutes, so getting through 200 means 83.5 hours of time dedicated to a TV! It's the kind of neverending adrenaline rush that I get burned out on quickly. Now, My Hero Academia started off with the narrative that it's the story about how a kid became the greatest hero, implying it has a discernable end. However, by Season 3, the narrative shifted to how the kid wants to become the greatest hero, now implying that there is no planned end in sight. I don't want to be watching this show while my own kid is eight years old. I don't see the audience hanging on for that long either, so the writer must be banking on getting a new audience (or focusing primarily on the manga readers). It really sucks.
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