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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean really, the focus is on me, but why? Louis, Mojo: What objection do you have to being with each other?
  2. I mean, judging by their resistance already, I'm starting to get strong Louis-Mojo vibes, but I'm trying not to put the cart before the horse.
  3. See my postulate where I said if the team has both scum they're not gonna sabatoge cause it throws their partner under the bus. I'm actually not opposed to going. I'm just saying if it gets sabataged, it's either Louis or Mojo throwing me under the bus, clearly, as it was their idea to put me there after I said let's put them together to put them in a prisoners dilemma situation specifically.
  4. I was about to say no shit but then I realized just how much we could screw with RNG because 3 people have to go to the away team.
  5. Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and ##nominate townbot Louis Mojoman and see what happens.
  6. Don't you find being selfish a little... anti town?
  7. If you're gonna do another raid just like post here and give me like 30 second warning to open the game first.
  8. The issue is more or less that it was literally the one time I was actually looking at my phone, and even clicking on poke go right away the game didn't load fast enough to get to the raid, so I actually have to have the game up for it to matter. I've found people from that subreddit are trash and flake out after 3 days of gifts.
  9. Jeod invite me to the raid again I need Landrous.
  10. My quallification for "sus" is "doesn't appear to know what they're doing"
  11. I thought something like this might happen, does change the calculus somewhat. I suggest townbot, Louis, and Mojo. They're the only two I'd say I'm even slightly sus of (not that there are any reads in this game yet really), and if by chance they *both* happen to be baddies, I don't think scum would sabotage when both are nominated.
  12. Well, I'll go ahead and vote. ##Vote Jeod (This seconds a nomination, right Shade?)
  13. Also I'm pretty sure I have the formula to solve the game but I'm not gonna share it at this time, lest scum form a counter plan. This first step fits in with it.
  14. For the record, baring some crazy argument, I'm going to vote for this, I just want everyone to chime in first.
  15. Well the bot seems incapable of doing it, but if we sent two humans one of them could and then we'd have to argue. The play here is, if we send Jeod and the bot, we send Jeod and the bot *ad infinitum* until we either win or something bad happens, at which point we know something's wrong. If the away team never expands to 3, we know that bad thing is Jeod. If the away team does expand, then that's where we argue and basically have to play mastermind (the code breaking game).
  16. Ironically, it's not that bad of an idea. Jeod may or may not be scum, but if he's scum, he'd have to be the dumbest boy alive to actually sabotage D1. We can let him do it, just keep in mind that it doesn't actually clear him.
  17. This is kinda like Secret Hitler meta but not quite.
  18. You joke, but if we nominate scum D1 I suspect the play would be for them to pretend to be a goodie.
  19. Oh, so it changes depending on the day? That'd keep it interesting.
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