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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Oh, I see that's a link now, I also recognize dQ from anywhere not falling for it.
  2. No, right after I shot Cat 5 when I was like "I think Cat 5 is hard to kill!"
  3. I mean I pretty much told you ever stat already, albiet in a non coherent fashion.
  4. I have no night actions, since the Cat is mostly out of the bag with me. All I have (had) was the great gun.
  5. And you know, I was like, gonna go shave cause I haven't in a few days, but decided to do *this* instead Maybe take a shower, etc. Such a time sink.
  6. I mean as much as I argue with Cat 5 about early votes mattering/vs not mattering, he is correct in that there's no early hammer and EoD is a day away. You all know where I stand though, but if it makes you feel better... ##Vote Cat 5 I'm kind of hoping Shade shoots him though so I didn't have to bother.
  7. Yeah I thought so, which is why I wanted to actually use it.
  8. I mean, it achived it's affect. We're no longer on the useless lynch Coolrock discussion. Now we're going to chop either you or me, which is greatly preferable. Even though I'm the wrong choice, it'd still be productive, because it'd boomerang back onto you the next day.
  9. Here's the thing, I do my scum meta because it works, whether you guys know about it or not.
  10. Because we'd get a quick confirm on you and I'd get cred for actually killing you Though it does appear people need at least two shots to kill apparently so this shooting thing is overrated. Might actually be idea to let you dig some grave first, admittedly, but I was doing it for the drama.
  11. You can even read the previous scum docs where I SPELL THIS OUT like first page to my scum partner.
  12. Nah, as scum I hold off till the end in case it's needed for a clutch vote influence situation.
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