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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean, I'll take any reason I can to procrastinate after a day like today, so...
  2. Okay, this might be a bit disjointed because catching up on quite a bit. I don't want to hold to it, because of what Sunflower's been implying lately. That said, I don't think a gun that only kills scum is totally out of bounds for a game like this. We've had items like that in games before, after all. I can be wrong about the gun, though, but hey, it's an idea for somebody to use some time I guess. Yeah, wow. I'd quote the gifs, but I don't want to wall post too much. I mean, you can pressure me, but shouldn't that really be followed up with some questions. Don't leave us hanging like that Though I still do intend to make a fuller case later, when I have more time, and thank goodness hammer isn't today.
  3. My power came back early apparently, but I need to get some stuff done (like laundry, which I usually do in the morning, and checking to make sure my 3 weeks of food didn't go bad) so it'll be a bit before I read through what's happened and get to responding to what's happened in the past 18 hours or so.
  4. So this is me on my phone for very first time ever. Power went out again at 1030 and has not been back since and is not estimated back until 630. I am not gonna play on my phone cause I need to conserve battery and it's really awkward, but figured you guys should know.
  5. I mean that's fair, if you're just waiting to vote. I had the impression you were going to sit out entirely, which would have been bad at this low a player count.
  6. That's all well and good, but unless you're convinced of somebody, you have to go with the person who is most likely, and like at this point even if all you had were town reads, you'd have to go for your least town read because *somebody* has to be scum.
  7. Honestly, I'm a bit tired (because it's late, and dealing with the poweroutage) to make a full case on Jeod right now, but what I've said about him is hardly a secret. I've been loud and vocal on the issue. I'll add one more thing to the pile: When Jeod is town, he gambits D1. He didn't do that this time. In fact, he explicitly said he wasn't going to tout some big plan, in contrast to my style. That, combined with the sum total of other points, I think the choice is obvious. ##vote Jeod
  8. Hey, my power did go out, but it *seems* to be back now.
  9. Also just a heads up but we're about to get some severe weather here so if I just up and vanish the power is probably out (or I had to run for the basement, but I'm probably fine).
  10. I mean, unless you're specific, this is just gonna cause more arguments between Jeod and myself. Also was it you that visited me? No, nothing to indicate that, and if it was the case, would have actually died yesterday when shot.
  11. Is there anyone here with a passive that makes them afraid of loud noises?
  12. Honestly that's probably the best point you've made all game.
  13. I mean is Sunflower confirms it, I guess I'm wrong, but if it's something else, I'm still on your case
  14. Given the result, I would like to know more about the gun.
  15. I have a theory that Sunflower's gun only kills scum...
  16. Remember mine because it's clearly a symbol of opression.
  17. Even I have a very round about RNG kill, in the spirit of full disclosure.
  18. Well TBH the larger part of the calculus is thinking your scum, a control ability is very scummy in general, I would know, I've used/asked for it a lot as scum.
  19. That's not what I said. I'm saying she's town, and you're scum, and you're trying to control her.
  20. I know. I'm speaking from the perspective of him being scum and trying to control what could be a strong town.
  21. Someone visited me last night in a mason, I don't know who, but by the speech pattern I think it might be Sunflower, and if so, I no longer have her on my suspect list.
  22. More like copier, and I was hoping to get something else to get more of a feel for what else you might have in your arsenal.
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