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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Shade does a much better job of trolling me, though
  2. I mean, it could also be said the kill takes the heat off of you, which is convenient, and it's also sometimes said by game theorists that the first to really start talking about the kill is the one that did it.
  3. Your entrance is two things that are not good looks for you
  4. Perhaps, and I'd appreciate, if you're a goodie, you not explaining it.
  5. Ponder that Shade while I go make dinner
  6. You'll learn in due time, if you don't get me killed first.
  7. No, but it means I have a lot of things that interact in complicated ways. I can still only act once.
  8. No, just mechanics, not goals. I'm basically several characters in one. Hell, I'll give you a legit clue. I'm two characters.
  9. Like, I'm not trying to be obtuse, but, like, my powers literally don't work unless you ARE me, so they can't be stolen. That should suffice for now.
  10. My powers don't work without a detailed explanation, so if someone did copy me, they actually got a dud, so it's actually not that bad of an outcome. If scum did it, it's probably a good thing they picked me.
  11. The flavor of the block/whatever was that I got "sucked up" and then "spit back out" at the end of the night.
  12. If you know I visited you you should share that with the class instead of acting like a clown.
  13. Giving details about my ability would help scum more than anything. Let's just say I did try to investigate you, but there's some complicated mechanics behind it.
  14. Without going into details, the answer is "kind of".
  15. FFS, early daystart, and a ton of crap happening already? *This is me being not happy btw* Something interfered with what I was going to do last night. I don't know if it was an actual roleblock or something else.
  16. You're basically rehashing DADV that I explained.
  17. Hey that was my bad. Unlike killing Shade which really was just for the lols.
  18. That's why I liked that I could treat the death note as a programming tool.
  19. Oh, so Mojo is locked to No vote because that's what Nodlied was at that time? That's.... well, better balanced I guess, though reminds me of why the death note was so fun.
  20. Just hurry up and don't leave me hanging out to dry though please Nodlied.
  21. If that's what you want, I'll go with it. It will actually save me from having to take action against Shade (you're welcome Shade), so for now I will bow to that. ##Vote no lynch
  22. The real question is can we muster more than 2 votes for anybody... though if you truly do control Mojo's vote, I guess we can, if we can agree to something reasonable, but I'm not going to lie, that skeeves me out just a little bit but I'm going to let it slide for now. Mojo is really the only one I could see having a case against them at this point unless Retal somehow starts waving a flag that says "I am scum" in the next 10 minutes, but I could still go back to no lynch.
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