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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Suppose I should follow Cat 5's lead and my own advice, in case the forum goes down ##Vote Louis
  2. I mean, rubeci responded to me last time I said I could revive troops, so people know.
  3. I'm pretty sure I've told everyone I can revive troops. I even told you specifically in our doc, but you weren't paying attention.
  4. I don't target people just for the fun of it. What use is a kingdom if there's nobody to rule over. Remember my speeches about how ideally those taking power want to just take over the kingdom not destroy it. That said, for the moment, I will do as Cat 5 says. You guys need me out here with my abilities for winter, because as you've also forgotten, I'm ALSO THE DAMN MEDIC.
  5. But anywho, I'm going to bed. @Category 5 Hurricane Vote when you get on, never know when the forum is going down again, so it's good to go on record.
  6. You were all over the place. Claiming "helpful TP" is the same as claiming neutral basically.
  7. That's a very interesting interpretation of events
  8. Also we don't technically know if the hand can rebel if there's a new rebellion.
  9. I mean, as has been said several times, this applies to you guys as well, and there just isn't any trust to go around.
  10. Shade, have you forgotten your history of claiming neutral when you're actually third party? Nobody is going to buy that BS.
  11. You're neglecting the very important part where you people have it coming
  12. I have no troops putting me at the wall would not stop the zombies at all so that really shouldn't be something anyone thinks about.
  13. I mean, you're hardly a non-biased actor. Cat 5 clearly disagrees too, and he's in the best position to remember Death Note.
  14. That's not the point. The point was, if I was conspiring against the kingdom, the kingdom wouldn't know what hit it, and would lose. The mere fact that the kingdom is still here is proof that I'm working WITH the kingdom right now.
  15. If there was this would be like Dead Space and you'd all be dead before I even said anything.
  16. There's nothing fancy about my power that is time delayed or anything.
  17. You literally know for a fact I stayed loyalist with you. The ones who are their own team are shade and rubeci. If you make the wrong decision and the kingdom loses the game, that loss is SOLELY on your shoulders.
  18. He threatened negligence if he didn't get his way, sounds like he doesn't deserve a raise to me
  19. There's a fitting star trek 3D chess gif for this but I'm lazy
  20. Well, Cat 5's vote works as a tie breaker, so we can win without her, though I never like it when someone just afks, so I'd like it if she's here to give her opinion one way or another. My point was just we can't know if she might have been active while the site was down, which is a shame.
  21. This long absence has probably negatively affected the quality of memes (and votes).
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