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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. To be fair, I didn't *remain* neutral, I had my alignment change
  2. ##Vote Mojoman If we're going to do this, I'd prefer to do it with an actual read. Mojoman is my only actual read, and while I do tend to unnecessarily agro on him, the neutral joke sits wrong with me. Even though he retracted it, it could still be a "soft" claim, or a claim of someone who needs to link up with a partner they've know they have but aren't in contact with or something. Not the best of reads (and it's D1), but I think it's a better vote than Irish which seems to just be "no reason".
  3. Fair enough. I had been typing more in regards to this, but that perspective pretty much satisfies the further points I was going to make.
  4. (When I said the math is sound I didn't actually check... *whistles innocently*)
  5. The math is sound, but what about the value of everyone using their ability? Though obviously if we manage to lynch scum we don't want them using their ability anyway. I say this as someone who is on the fence. I wouldn't mind lynching, but I don't really want to lynch Irish in particular.
  6. Are you saying we're a bunch of useless sad sacks this game?
  7. Honestly I was just hoping Shade would link me to the wiki because I'm being lazy while I eat lunch
  8. That doesn't tell me anything I didn't already know
  9. Is there some kind of official reference as to what the stones do in the marvel universe, because I honestly have no clue where to start but would like to know more.
  10. I just want to say, I have a strong feeling that death is not the end in this game.
  11. That's where it was introduced here, but it was also the actual name of Jeod's ability last game.
  12. It's a reference... (that we've engaged in multiple times across multiple games )
  13. Nah, he hasn't claimed to be the Hero of this Story yet.
  14. I mean, anyone wanting to play the game would like to avoid death, unless you're saying town should be like lambs to the slaughter
  15. Jeff Goldblum is my new favorite Avenger.
  16. I mean, that's a proper jester isn't it? It exists, but I don't think we've ever had one.
  17. It works on me, but it also makes me wonder if Irish perhaps has another reason not to fear death.
  18. No, guess since that's an actual word... Though it'd annoy me if I was complaining about the officiating in any sporting event.
  19. I have to check this myself. Refinery
  20. TBH that bug was original civ anyway...
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