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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'm back, though pretty tired, long day being social. I'll point out something away. ILTS, you can't make any deals, because you're out of PP. You can't nominate Jeod now, even if you want to. As for the actual substance of nominating Jeod. If he wants the walkie talkie that bad, I see no harm in giving it to him. I don't really like the idea of him having access to Sunflower's item (whatever it is), and that's tied in a lot with the fact that I really don't want to investigate Retal either, but I feel like I'm beating a dead horse.
  2. Well, I will be gone most of today, but with FRAYDO taking the key, there should now be some accountability with the evidence base, at the very least. He'll be able to report to you everything that I do, and likewise in reverse, with a one turn delay for the log to update. At least with the voting record spying, not only does it say who I spied on, but the log also keeps the result, so he'll know the results not just the actions too.
  3. You know, while I appreciate charts, I just take issue with that one in many ways
  4. Also you forgot to put my key in my item slot on the chart. Also, I need to stop chain posting
  5. What makes you think Sunflower is Status Quo? Can't be PoE as you still have too many unknowns.
  6. The only notification I got last night was about my snooping on Retal.
  7. But yeah Jeod, I think I have a bit of advice. In real life, it's always good to assume ignorance instead of malice. Right now though, you might want to assume malice instead of ignorance. If you're getting pushback, maybe it's because people aren't aligned with you.
  8. Wow, for a second that actually made me think maybe Retal was provoking civil war by tilting Jeod, until I remembered he soft voted.
  9. Yeah TBH that's probably the biggest factor in laying off him, though TBH jailing the same person over and over is just dumb and unproductive in its own right. That's why I think he might actually be status quo though instead of just playing along now.
  10. You can't distract that easily But I think Jeod is something we should table for now. Probing him further would be unproductive.
  11. Do you have abilities? You don't have to share how many, or what they are, it just sounds a bit odd that you don't have an item. Then again, I guess Jeod didn't have an item either.
  12. BTW just noticed @Nodlied, thread title should be Day 3 not Day 2
  13. Also quick head count of the number of people the forum is glitching out for right now?
  14. Yeah, stability didn't really drop first time we tied too, so I'm not too worried because of that.
  15. Oh, you actually found stuff on him? I didn't bother, because when I googled myself, only some composer from 100 years previous came up, so I figured the names were made up. I'm fairly confident it wouldn't be that easy to cause civil war. It is a type of objective, so people will have to WORK for it. We have wiggle room.
  16. Honestly, I'm actually inclined to believe him, because I bet Nodlied did a few clever things to throw us off. Oh you
  17. Indeed. I noted this as odd in one of my night posts, because it is odd. Maybe a sign we need to think a little creatively with the setup.
  18. I mean, for what it's worth too, it sounds like Shade has an option too. Probably not a good option, but never know
  19. He's already claimed Status Quo. We don't know that. Not all the options have been fully illuminated on the table. I have an option I've not discussed with the rest of you at all, for example I'm eager to hear from FRAYDO as to what he did before moving forward, and also more from Cat 5, specifically if he's suspicious or not.
  20. For the moment I don't see the need to press you any more, but that could change. You look like less of a threat now than before but that doesn't mean I'm going to jump in line behind you. You present an option, but not our only option.
  21. He seems genuine in his logic about why he thiefed Sunflower, and she doesn't seem to mind (honestly makes me pretty curious about what the item is). I assume most people are suspicious, and innocents are rare, and we should at least survey other options. Lastly, I think he's just being cheeky, not manipulative. I mean, the few times I've directly interacted with him in the past this game it was fairly easy to poke him right back. From my point of view, I want to more fully complete the positions map, and I've got Retal already pegged as a good boy.
  22. Who said he votes pluralist? Also, if you missed the memo, pluralism isn't a universal bad
  23. TBH, what he's saying is that you don't have any threatening abilities, which by proxy kind of implies you're a reformer. Nuance, people :P But still, Retal's been a good boy with voting, I'd rather investigate someone else this round, maybe even Cat 5 as that would in some ways save me from having to check his voting tonight. I don't believe he's said if he's innocent or suspicious though.
  24. I think it's worth mentioning though that the distribution is probably not equal on the sub objective (and that "through any means" exists too not just reform and civil war). Abolishment probably has to be 100% civil war wanters, whereas I'd assume a lot of Status Quo are reform. Pluralism is probably a more even mix.
  25. Or maybe, if Shade's so eager for everyone's goals to be out in the open, we can let Jeod punch it out of him. After all, a true gentlement would surely go first and reveal his own alignment before asking others, right
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