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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Or not all Pluralists are pulling the same way either. There's also whoever we jail tonight (if they're suspicious) to consider.
  2. We have many options. But, pray tell, how will me telling what I am solve the tie anyway? You going to assassinate me if I'm opposite you?
  3. Hells to the no. I do, however, nominate you for a custom sub-title finally. "Fisherman"
  4. Though more seriously, something to Retal's credit. He could have stolen my key I guess but he didn't. That would have been really bad.
  5. And like, I never found a better avatar than my silly chocolate bar either... I used up all the good paradox ones last crisis.
  6. He's been Switzerland since BEFORE the game even started though so I don't put much stock into it, especially with Luke and Aayla Secura still running around.
  7. This is like the most forthcoming thief ever. That is.... surprising...
  8. Why don't you care? Are you neither status quo nor pluralism?
  9. I'd not assume that, because 1), that'd be night PP, 2) wasn't passing said to be a free option anyway? 3) Why would there be another connection. I'd put more weight on maybe, if someone actually did use an ability to boost him, that ability only lasting one round.
  10. I know, but I'm not going to out non-radical voters at this time.
  11. Other interesting things to note, Jeod started with 2 PP, Retal 3, and now FRAYDO 3.
  12. Also, that thing about red colored actions makes sense to me, given what I have to work with.
  13. I checked Retal last night, he's a soft voter. Also I'm back earlier than expected, but I'll also be gone for a long stretch of tomorrow.
  14. I was wondering that myself. I have Sunflower as decidedly neutral right now. Also just a quick message before I head out, but I'm going to be out of town most of today, so won't be around to share my findings right after Start of Day, at least not for a few hours afterwards probably.
  15. Okay people, you know the drill. Soft options. Something to add about the evidence base. It keeps a log of what I do, so anyone else who ever gets the key can see plain as day what actions I took. It also makes me think that I'm the one that needs to worry the most about being framed, the way things are worded. It also looks like it would take TWO turns to actually turn someone hostile, first framing them, then pushing their case which is what actually turns them hostile. I'm still not quite sure how it all works, but it looks like there may be room for more expanded actions later on, perhaps as stability changes. Also unrelated odd note, Jeod is Galician, but pushing for Status Quo. That's an odd combo.
  16. Syndicalists are this timeline's communists. We're basically fearing commie infiltration.
  17. I feel like the judge from Pheonix Wright, bald and powerless to affect the direction of the court room
  18. As soon as a few people start having their primary slip this game is probably going to become a bloodbath.
  19. And before you say it, Shade, I'm well aware I don't know if Cat 5 is Status Quo or Pluralism. That's not info we're going to weasel out of anyone at this stage.
  20. He's the one I trust the most right now, he's given off the most reformer vibe, and no one else seems to have strong objections too him, like with Irish. I'd like to limit those with access to the vault to as small a pool of people as possible, and Irish is out in the eyes of many, and with myself I wouldn't have enough PP to do everything effectively if I'm in both the evidence base and the vault.
  21. At least you don't have to deal with farmers running over your internet cable with a plow *every* *single* *year* *in* *the* *exact* *same* *spot*.
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