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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. You forgot about Shade being immune to night actions or something Also your whereabouts can't be proven unless you can prove you protected yourself.
  2. I kept tabs on someone else. I'll give the details after a bit more discussion, as I want to get some more reactions before I stir the pot more.
  3. There's a certain irony that he specifically was in favor of the plan
  4. For now, I just want to say it was sort of indicated in my PM that someone tried to contact me via radio last night, but something prevented the contact. It might have been ILTS dying, but it might have been something else. This is especially odd as I don't have a radio myself or anything.
  5. Yeah, I have more things to talk about too, but I guess I'll take a spot in line *hmpf*
  6. I have to specifiy what type of spying I do. Honestly, I'm not liking the idea of you having the crowbar. You could take the key from FRAYDO or I, and you didn't follow through on the deal. This is less Jeod cooperation and more Jeod running off and doing his own thing, as several people predicted. *Disappointment*
  7. Though also, delayed reaction, but: Wow, there actually was a syndie!
  8. So you didn't follow through on the deal everyone was talking about, hmmm?
  9. Stability goes down - I told you so this wouldn't work out
  10. FRAYDO and I can only check two people, everyone else can lie. Hell, if you want to be extra cynical (which is fair), FRAYDO and I can lie too, and it won't be discovered by the other for a full turn cycle, not to mention we could lie about our own votes as well just like everyone else unless we're checked.
  11. Maybe I'm just looking forward to saying "I told you so" if something goes wrong
  12. I'm accounting for possible other factors that might affect the vote. We don't know what all the powers do.
  13. My point is, do you think all 10 of us can really keep it together? FRAYDO and I can only check so many people, too.
  14. I'm thinking by this point quite a few people are probably thinking of changing their vote. It's a real big game of WIFOM though, and it would be "hilarious" if we managed to tie it up but on different options or something. I mean, for what it's worth, we have no proof that the softs are what's been tied, just general postulating.
  15. I say we go for the trifecta and ##reform political I also want to get my opinion on record, even if it's not going to happen. ##investigate Cat 5
  16. It is waaaaay too late for me to be up, I am going to bed.
  17. For what it's worth, I appreciated the news updates. I just didn't know what to do with them.
  18. I've been really tempted to make a map of how my last game turned out, as it actually gave me a plausible "cold war" for a change instead of one faction just stomping the others.
  19. I mean, regardless of what anyone says, I'm going to be paranoid about syndies the rest of the game
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