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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Shade just says things with a certainty, whether or not they're the truth. I'll also point out Jeod's being a slippery customer trying to find someone to investigate other than himself...
  2. Also crap, forgot to mark it, but just passed my 3000th post :P
  3. Unfortunately, at some point, I think that won't be practical anymore. Shade, are you innocent or suspicious? Frankly, while I think Shade is a danger, I don't see much benefit in jailing him tonight unless he's a known radical voter.
  4. Correct, I can only do one thing from the Evidence Base, and there's like 4-5 options. The options are roughly divided into cop actions (like my checking Jeod's voting) and evidence actions, such as building a case or framing someone.
  5. I can't kill using it directly, but I could turn someone hostile (either rightfully so, or framing them), and then we could investigate them. I vow to only use my power for good and build a case against those that deserve it, but I'll admit, you just kinda have to take my word for it.
  6. That makes no sense. Plus I'm Austrian. Austrians are about the only people I wouldn't suspect of wanting abolishment, seeing as they are the most senior member of the Empire.
  7. In my experience, when there's civil war, the most likely cause is Hungary wanting to go it's own way. I think having a Hungary-Abolishment player would be clever design by Nodlied, as you'd think they'd want status quo, but flavor wise Hungary is very rebellious and discontent. Of course, some of the lesser states within the Empire probably want it too.
  8. First post, I've quoted the section here, the very last bullet point.
  9. This is a good analysis, but we know there are those who want Independence too, not just Status Quo or Plurality. Given they aren't on the reform axis provided on the CVC, I think we can assume they are civil war, though.
  10. They're the only ones who will go for a radical vote.... if everyone knows what's good for them
  11. Which is why I want to eliminate the Indies, who are likely civil war aligned, first
  12. To be fair, "any means necessary" was listed as a possible secondary. If Shade has that, my advice to him (which is really advice he needs all the time), is to take a class on subtlety. You should take opportunities as they come, rather than trying to force the issue yourself.
  13. No, it's a valid approach. I don't think we have enough data at this point to say for sure. I think also Nodlied probably made some tricky combos just to throw us off. Analyizing Nationality for goals is just another tool. I'm less concerned with factions and more concerned with motive forces. People who want to win via civil war are not going to be pulling in the same direction as those who want reform. Your thinking is too 2D. Besides, I'll say it again, when it comes to winning, go big or go home
  14. You're not doing anything wrong as far as playing the game goes, I just want to be an accurate lore master. I'm a contributor to the Kaiserreich project, so I feel a need to spread the word about it.
  15. Doing a political compass with civil war vs reform and status quo vs pluralism gives us for factions. However, there's also those who want independence, and a rumor of a syndicalist, so I'd say we have more than 4 factions actually.
  16. I'm saying Poland proper doesn't factor into this, and it's not so much about alliances. It's more about people being under the heel and if they want to rise up or not, peacefully or violently.
  17. In this universe, all these places are ruled by the Kaiser already. Austria and Hungary both have political representation below the Kaiser. Status quo is keeping it this way, whereas Pluralism is letting everyone have representation under the Kaiser. Independence is throwing off the Kaiser entirely.
  18. Initially my suspicions were that Bohemians, Croats, Bosnians, (possibly grouped together as Illyrians here) Poles, Ukrainians (Possibly grouped together as Galicians here) would be more likely to want independence. However, as of yesterday, with thinking about you, I realized Hungarians might want Independence too. Really, it could be anybody except Austrians most likely.
  19. Ironic, cause in a recent game here, Cat 5 made a chart as scum, and in my mafia championship game scum made a chart there too. Scum are catching on to the ways of chart making
  20. Indeed, now that I think about it, it might actually be better for you to pass the Medkit to someone else Irish, so that you yourself just don't draw the nightkill as the doc. I believe it's been said that passing is a free action.
  21. You know, the biggest shame is this plan is one that kinda requires secrecy to work, and now that's out the window, AND Irish has a big target on his back.
  22. Well, as engaging as this is, I need to head to bed. Shade, I think you need to stop and take a deep breath and look at things again. Try not to tear the conference room down while I'm gone
  23. I mean, I can see both sides of this issue, but I'm a bit peeved that it'll distract from Jeod and my crusade
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