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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I'd comment more, but I'm sleepy as well. I will say Choppy hopping all over is setting off my alarm bells right now, so I'm more on his case than on Mojo's currently.
  2. I see a few possibilities, but I'm going to have to limit things to the most likely/things that matter. The allies might not have gone for the building kill because they feel they can do so at their leisure. It's basically a freebe they can do whenever, if Alstar is a silo. (I'm not 100% Alstar is a silo, or soviet, but I don't have more to add on that front at present time). Taking out Cat 5 is probably high on their list simply because he's so good at analysis. I feel like his loss is a major blow to us. But what about Mojo? I'm still on the fence. On one hand, that could be the most basic scum ploy ever, but on the other... Cat 5 is just such a valuable player maybe they felt he had to be eliminated ASAP. Now FRAYDO... notice how the Cat 5 death specifically said the allies killed him, but FRAYDO, not so much... What does this mean? It could mean a lot of things, but at a basic level, something fishy is going on. I'm not sure enough of anything at this point to speculate as to what that is specifically. FRAYDO seems to go out early a lot as an 'easy kill' by various parties. It leaves us guessing. Since this was all N1 I don't think these two were targeted for their roles, for obvious reasons.
  3. That takes time at least. I'm not saying it's an attractive option, not in the slightest, but it IS technically in the middle.
  4. I'm not without misgivings, but I'll take less than perfect reasons over 'for the lulz'. Especially when said lulz have been known to backfire somehow.
  5. I'd rather not go soley for the meme lynch, so I'll cast in on a potential find anyday. I will be on for the end of day, though, baring unforseen circumstances, so I'll be here for any new evidence/arguments/etc. ##vote Mojoman
  6. Yeah that post comes off as speaking for other people quite a bit.
  7. If I turn out to be right I still claim bragging rights though
  8. Wait, we know for sure he did? I'll admit I just skimmed what was just said I thought that was speculation.
  9. TBH the most trolly thing that could happen, I think, is Voe being a silo, and being unlynchable would give the allies a free pass on who to nightkill and move closer to their victory. We'd be hoisting ourselves by our own petard, as TV Tropes says.
  10. Mafia Edit: *Retaliation, my bad on spelling your name wrong fam.
  11. Well if you noticed, I haven't actually voted for him yet Take that up with Retaliating if you have a big beef with it We've all put in our opinions, but KY has not commented on it. I might buy the argument that we're all putting out too much chaffe to be useful, past a certain point, but KY hasn't really participated in the end of the discussion we had. He's not even stacked up on the too much/not enough information split we seem to be having here. As it stands his posts have given off the 'throw up your hands and say you don't know' vibe, which I always chalk up as slightly scummy. Granted, by you and I even having this conversation now, we change the calculus for what KY's answers mean even if he does show up now.
  12. Well it certainly hasn't won him any *positive* points, whatever he was doing. He's also been rather quiet, which again, is what the black marks are usually handed out for this early. That's why I'm still interested in hearing from him more.
  13. I think you misunderstand the nature of the accusation. I don't think they're partners. I think KY was trying to get on Cat 5's good graces and create a blind spot for Cat 5. Cat 5, of course, is not one to fall for it though.
  14. That's a good point too. At the time I chalked it up to Voe's standard reaction towards being voted on, but it is definitely an interesting choice of words too... hmmm...
  15. I considered it, but it just struck me a lot like his intro in the Death Note game, I think it was, where he turned out to be scum too (not that I was complaining, that game ) Still, on D1, I default towards wanting to pressure those who haven't talked much, and KY is on the low end of that scale today, though he's not the only one. I mean, our meme lynch could be talking more too, but I sort of have an aversion to that process, even if I can appreciate the comedy value.
  16. As we get closer to hammer, I want to hear more from Killing_You. That intro seemed almost like an awkward attempt to buddy Cat 5.
  17. I believe if silo is rollblocked it's not game over, we just then have a normal mafia game.
  18. That sounds like a really trolly thing too that Verti would love for town to trip up with.
  19. It's Day 1. We're in no danger of getting locked into the wrong way of thinking yet
  20. I'm not sure I agree with Jeod's perspective, but I do think it comes from a valid place, regardless of if it turns out to be true or not in the end. However, I don't like the attempts to shut down conversation. Of course D1 we're not going to come to any meaningful conclusions, but generating discussion is what we should be doing, so we have a larger data set to pick over for scum hunting both now and later.
  21. I just take a page from what Cat 5 said in a past game I read, I believe it was even an APB game: When in doubt, generate content.
  22. I guess indoors/outdoors would matter a lot for meta. I don't have any thoughts that would help us determine which that is, unfortunately. It's been too long since I've played those levels so I don't remember much first hand knowledge. I tried to start a RA playthrough a month or two again, maybe I should get back to that
  23. I know some people say discussing third party isn't productive, but maybe 3 mafia and a third party, if it's a high non-town count. That could offset the game if there are only 2 missile silos, maybe. Also the way this game is playing out already makes me feel like my idea for Cuban Missile Crisis Mafia is redundant heh.
  24. There's always the possibly town gets tricked into doing something dumb and day shooting fellow towns, too, or something to that effect... Allied can definitely win if we're not careful so don't get complacent about anything.
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