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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Like I had typed out "Aight, I'm gonna head out" giving up the routine that I wasn't really silenced in prep for you flipping wolverine, had my finger over submit, was just waiting for the KY post, and then you didn't flip wolverine.
  2. Also, though it'd be a lie to say I was 100% sure you were a vehicle, I was like 75% sure you were a vehicle ever since you said "I'm 98% sure I know what one of the scum roles is". Remember what I told Retal last time. Any time you signal that you have insider info, you're tipping your own hand. That's the other reason I shot you, other than you tunneling me and Retal being more mailable. I was pretty sure I'd actually get the kill. I was 100% ready to just peace out after killing you if you were the wolverine, but the fact that you were not actually convinced me not to give up.
  3. No I was referring to your brainstorming with Jeod and the number it did on you when I shot him
  4. Let's be real, ILTS would be the one faking silence.
  5. Part of me was just slinging shit around trying to see what would stick, hoping someone would come up with their own theory and then associate me with it, so I was very happy when Chop did that for a time.
  6. As I said in the scum doc, as part of my routine, I tried to actually believe my own lie, so at points it was quite the trip.
  7. Yeah, it was just "easier" for me to call you TP instead of scum, especially without me actually having to explain anything since, you know, pictures.
  8. Actually I was genuinely surprised when you flipped TP and probably the only thing preventing me from slipping was the fact that I was posting via pictures.
  9. Don't worry, I walked all over my dad today in a battle of public opinion, so I got revenge for you.
  10. I think it can be either way tbh, but that might just be ass-covering. I mean, I'm 100% sure it's been done both ways at least once in the history of forever at least somewhere, but it might have been very very niche.
  11. I mean to be fair, I wasn't ranting at you... I was ranting at Jeod
  12. Yeah and like to be perfectly honest reading about it that's a mistake I myself might have made, we talk big about cults but it's been awhile, so I wouldn't sweat it KY.
  13. Also this seems very narcissistic because the quote is a quote of myself, but you all know it was directed at KY
  14. I guess it probably didn't come off this way, but this is how I meant it: I care about you being a good GM, because you are one
  15. I mean, we're ranting, but that was legit the best game on here in ages. I also wouldn't be ranting this much if I didn't care so much about it being gotten right the next time: which requires there to be a next time. People learn by making mistakes, and already you have a highly polished finished product.
  17. Wow cabal was an actual cult and he got blocked.
  18. Ironically, I actually do like early hammers, and I'm glad KY has them in his games. I just think there should have been no waffling.
  19. I'm fine with an early start if there's a GM reason for it, such as the GM being busy at phase change, etc. What I'm not fine with is being told one thing, then suddenly another thing happens, without even the chance to be informed after you've already made choices based off previous data. Granted, I checked the forum this morning, so I knew, but FRAYDO apparently didn't know day had started since he hadn't checked since before KY announced early day start.
  20. Both the confessor and the MSA lie were FRAYDO's idea, he truly is a scum god and I am a mere mortal.
  21. I mean, I don't blame you. You understand the implications. That's all I'm asking. All I want is for Jeod to see maybe the fact that it wasn't me asking for special treatment, but just me wanting the status quo.
  22. Then may I ask, and I'm sorry to get you involved in the argument, why is it okay for THEM to be catered to but not us?
  23. Jeod, if this is how you see GMing, I will no longer play any games you host.
  24. Nah, it was really our only course of action, it was just a bad one. They had us, they just couldn't get us. We were saying bad excuses, but literally any other excuse we came up with would have been worse.
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