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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I mean she's hostile towards me this game, but I kinda expect her to be waving a gun around more. Even if she has reason not to (which could theoretically be possible), that "whoa" when coolrock shot seemed like she wasn't ready for violence, even though she would later go on to praise chaos again. Maybe I'm grasping at straws and this is tunneling (I'll accept it's tunneling, but it's not OMGUS), but it's all I got right now.
  2. As much as I like the sound of my own voice and can just talk for ages, be a bit more specific about what you want me to elaborate on and I'll oblige.
  3. So before we totally meme the day away, I am legit sus on Louis, not only because of that maybe maybe-not perspective slip, but because I actually think she'd be a little MORE aggressive given day start, not that she wasn't aggressive to a certain degree, just more so. This isn't OMGUS, if anything, it's anti-OMGUS. ##Vote Louis
  4. Oh good, it's coming USPS... that means it'll be late in the day, but at least they'll be able to find my damn house, unlike the other services.
  5. And the thing is I might not even have time to play it Saturday once it arrives.
  6. The more he posts pictures the more I'm gonna think he knows what he's doing.
  7. I think I fixed the CVC. Payment (the role sheet) can be sent to my PM inbox k thanks.
  8. I was tempted to start talking this game only in pictures just to be an ass, but thought you guys had suffered enough.
  9. Yeah, didn't think it was Generals, but the structures vaguely reminded me of GLA buildings when you destroy them but not all the way but it's been so long since I played.
  10. I was gonna check the day post to see if it was a screenshot of Lunar Paradox, but actually it's a silo photoshopped onto.... something... is that Generals....?
  11. That's very important in cold weather, as cold weather dries the air. Helpful tip from those of us used to the weather you're getting.
  12. Also when I was eating I neglected to mention the MINT CHOCOLATE SHAKE.
  13. See, we've been focused on Shade being an alignment all along, that it's really been Louis that's an alignment. I'm only half-joking.
  14. Retal quit memeing or you're going to overtake me in like reputation.
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