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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. It's called target fixation, and it's a problem everywhere. It's why that tree that had no tree neighbors for literally 200 miles in any direction in the Sahara Desert got taken out by a drunk driver in like 2011.
  2. TBH knowing Shade I assume he'd be yelling at us over some perceived slight even if he was dying, to his last breath.
  3. Oh sweet, apparently a new Mario Golf game was announced yesterday too, which I oddly have a soft spot for of all things.
  4. Also heeeeeey Pokemon Snap in April let's hope it's longer than 4 hours.
  5. I guess people claim the villagers used to have more personality, which would be great. I mean don't get me wrong, I like the villagers... but they do seem to have... limited lines...
  6. People say it's not as good as the last one, but it's my first Animal Crossing so I can't compare. I mean it's fun... it totally took over my play time from Pokemon on the switch as I noted, but I do kinda agree that it does feel like it's missing "something". But since I haven't played New Hope or whatever I don't know what that "something" is.
  7. Honestly I actually still haven't beaten Shield.... because I got too distracted by Animal Crossing... but gonna try to that before it gets here.
  8. I ordered my first Fire Emblem game for my birthday, despite my birthday being next month, because it was on discount on amazon and I had a 10 dollar credit, so wow, nintendo game on a discount for a change. It'll be here Saturday. (Plus Jeod can't complain that I'm using switch for something besides pokemon)
  9. I don't want a newby to see me editing a post pre-game and think that means they're allowed to edit once the game starts
  10. I mean, maybe take this as some meta-town credit in helping town in general, because this is at least the second time Shade's tried this tactic I've noticed. It's actually pretty clever. But again, execution needs work.
  11. And I mean, I guess since it doesn't matter now: He was baiting us, and boy did we fall for it, but he failed the second part in actually calling us out.
  12. See Shade, due to my high level of play and the fact that I'm the only one who can understand you, your only hope was me explaining your plan to the rest of the class. Your first mistake, though, was that I was mafia, so of course I'm not going to tell them what your plan was, even though I saw what you were trying to do. I didn't back off because never, have you once, actually succeeded in communicating your galaxy brain plan to the rest of town before you die. The only reason I knew what your plan was is because I've seen other people do it on MU, if you want the people here to actually see your brand of scum hunting *you have to actually explain it at some point*.
  13. Given the past few games, Shade enjoys on being the easy lynch
  14. Here in Illinois we know how to deal with the snow. Well, to be fair, a lot of things have closed, including businesses (and you know how hesistant they are to close), but it's actually pretty nice, because for the most part the roads actually are clear, power hasn't dipped once, plenty warm inside, I always keep weeks of food on hand, and it's nice to get some damn peace and quiet for a change (except the snow plow going by every 30 minutes because I live at the confluence of 3 snow plow routes).
  15. Town of Salem is literally a rip of of this... well not our theme, but of the underlying game of Mafia.
  16. Starting games too close to each other probably contributes to burn out, I know it does for me. I need time to focus on doing other things other than watching the forum 24/7, so I'd say it's fine where it is now. I'm still trying to get caught up on some of my things I put off while playing last game.
  17. But imagine the chance to see Shade get stuck IRL, cause you know it'd happen.
  18. That's more of an idea than most of the other players playing the game
  19. It'll be fine, go take an actual stats class so I don't have an aneurism once we actually start playing this time.
  20. Don't take my comment as complaining. Indeed, as far as mechanics go, I'm generally in favor of pretty much anything, as long as it's not something *really, really* dumb. I'm confident you've at least managed to keep it only to a small level of stupidity, at worse
  21. Given how much we play CYOR I don't think anyone here really has much of a leg to stand on when it comes to complaining about kingmakers, though it's true they are generally regarded as a bastard mechanic.
  22. I'll sign up. Sorry I got a bit heated earlier, and I think you see what I was trying to say now.
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