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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. I've literally done nothing wrong, except, apparently, order Arby's.
  2. Originally it was to go with my Japan food, which was supposed to be arriving today, but tbh is probably going to arrive tomorrow, but I'm hungry for curly fries now so I'm just gonna get Arby's.
  3. Once a week I get carry out, usually Friday but not this week.
  4. To be fair, it was mostly Shade. I have like 3 chat windows up with friends talking about various things while also planning what I'm gonna get from Arby's which I'm going to inform you all of in all caps when I'm eating it.
  5. It just didn't seem like something he'd say on his own. That's something I would have thought regardless of my alignment. OH btw, as I said in the scum doc last game, that whole "are you smarter than a fifth grader" was actually saying Anon is SMARTER than we give him credit for. It was meant as a COMPLIMENT not an INSULT.
  6. I was sure he was a vehicle. I mostly shot him though because Retal is more maleable.
  7. I'm being mesmerized by the white abyss outside my window. Shockingly I've not developed a migraine yet today though. Can't look away because I'm expecting a package though with tracking updates it probably won't arrive today.
  8. The other reason was legit though, and then I somehow galaxy brained that Jeod was Third Party when it really should have been Anon.
  9. I didn't pile on him for no reason. I piled on him for two reasons.
  10. It's the only way to get a ranking by posts, it's a normally hidden page, and it only shows the top 8... they really don't want to encourage us... Shame, because it's a really cool stats feature and has a nice layout.
  11. You people don't take the threat of Shade overtaking me in postcount seriously enough.
  12. Also see: The damn farmer running over my DSL hookup box every spring.
  13. There are an infinite number of ways to crash, it takes target fixation to crash into the transformer, which happens at an exceptionally high rate.
  14. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/the-most-isolated-tree-in-the-world-was-killed-by-a-probably-drunk-driver-5369329/
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