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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. What were you saying D1 about the most likely allied units though?
  2. I mean, granted, in the world you're describing this gives FRAYDO an out, but in a world where FRAYDO's a baddie I'm inclined to believe Coolrock is town and just a dweeb and Tanya probably isn't around.
  3. I submit into Evidence Exhibit A as to why we just all vote FRAYDO now: It gives Orange more time to play Fire Emblem.
  4. Wait yeah... why did I like that post... I'm revoking it... last game with me was the first time FRAYDO was scum.
  5. I do recall his post that was kinda like "no, guys, don't do this!" being a little sus because he didn't provide any alternatives to what we were doing like he was afraid of commitment, but given all the crap we were flinging at each other I didn't really engage with it either tbh.
  6. Why FRAYDO, and not say Coolrock... especially when they seemed to be getting into a fight... though if it blocked the kill, it might appear to have been galaxy brained the right option...
  7. I mean I'm here now, my presence is obvious, I've decided to grace you all with my glorious footprint, even though I really want to start dinner early
  8. And no this isn't just an excuse to go play more Fire Emblem.
  9. That said over lunch my internet almost died, so I might have been AFK which is almost as good. It seems fixed now, but knowing my ISP it might drop out again.
  10. Haven't you heard, anime characters hover over an endless chess board when not in use.
  11. Meta: When I opened the case of Three Houses and saw all the character portraits I didn't realize just how many of them had been Cat 5's avatar or been posted by him.
  12. Remember when I said it was okay for the silos to claim if they were on the chopping block
  13. I thought that was Clause 1, Subjection A of all our contracts.
  14. I mean, I started the train, that's why I'm here, but I'd be lying if I said Shade's flailing was 100% okay with me. If you want me elsewhere I kinda need an adult though to talk me out of it because this is sort of my default position, for the reasons I've previously clearly stated. The events and goings on haven't really changed that. Both Louis and Shade aren't scum, but it's possible one of them is. I could really go either way and it's kind of inertia.
  15. Gah I'm so hungry... have to resist the urge to eat from the Japan Crate Store box I got yesterday or I'll ruin my dinner... I did just get into the Peach Parfait Kit Kats and they're like the most amazing things yet.
  16. It's like a ring of croissants stuffed with diced chicken and cheese and veggies.
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